
Had a funny moment on my run this morning. Some guy was walking his dog (the little fluffy kind that you know his wife made him take out while she stayed warm at home!) anyway, I was running through a neighborhood and saw them ahead of me. the dog wasn’t on a leash & was running along a pretty good way in front of his owner. So of course when I run by the dog he chases me. well I figured I’d jog there while the owner caught up so the dog didn’t get hit by a car. The guy was trying to run towards us…but he was all jacked up! He was holding a cup of coffee (that I wanted to steal & chug) and was running all kinda awkward. He thanked me & said he’d just finished a spin class at the gym and couldn’t get his legs to work. it cracked me up. I wish I could describe how he was running…think of a bow-legged man, barefoot running on rocks, with coffee in hand…

Spin class = hell on earth. I really hate that class. I gave it my best shot. I tried to do it once a week for a while there. But seriously, I hate it. about 3 songs in I always regret being there. For the life of me I cant get my seat right and my knees end up hurting. I’d rather run than hate life for an hour in spin class. I know people love it…but I am not one of them.

I do, however, love other classes at the gym. Kick, step, core – love ‘em. Power (aka body pump) NO THANKS. Don’t like it either. I do my own weight lighting. I’m not sure why I don’t like power.
One time jay was talking about the guys he plays basketball with and he said “I don’t even know the last names of the guys I play with but I’d die for them.” hahahah. I thought that was hilarious. But honestly I feel that way about the people I take classes with at the gym! I do know (some of) their last names but we aren’t super close friends…but I love ‘em! I pray for them, talk to them on facebook and laugh with them slap through class each week.

I used to be super intimidated by the other “gym rats” but not anymore. Seriously, I thought that they (mostly shaun & alan) were making fun of me…self-centered much kaci?! They probably didn’t even notice me.
Some people in our class might think we are bullies or that we make fun of people in class. But that is NOT THE CASE. We only make fun of each other. And then there’s Shaun. He only talks about how wonderful he is…how much better his form is than anyone else’s, etc. you cant help but love him.

I pray for shaun often! Not sure how much effect it’s having on him. But I will keep at it! I told him that he can’t blame me when Jesus comes back and he’s standing there in shock! Kick on Saturday mornings without Patricia would be sad. She cracks me up. Love her.

Thinking about how my gym friends used to intimidate me makes me think of other people that STILL intimidate me and how if I’d get over that we could probably be friends…would it be offensive if I listed some folks that I am intimidated by? Well, I am anyway. It’s my problem…not theirs. Maybe confessing it will help me get over it.

(it’s worked for people in the past… such as Mark Dalgety. OHHH he used to scare me. but one day I decided we’d be friends and I got ballsy and started talking to him.) others - kimble keller, jeannie myers...i'm getting better :)

Erin Prielozny – totally intimidates me! she’s always beautiful & put together. EVEN at the gym. I have no clue how she does it.
Martin Ortiz 
People that run whole marathons
Tasha Edwards – like erin…seems perfect!
John & Sallye Anne Pyle – really…who looks that good always?!
Alice Cellino – brilliant, cute, kind, beautiful & tough.

Surprisingly this is all I can think of…there are TONS more. I’ll think of them as soon as I post this.

Happy Thursday!


  1. I had a professor in college who really really intimidated me. I flunked his class-- Calculus IV-- the first class I ever failed. And then he started coming on Saturday nights to the restaurant where I worked. I would go in the bathroom and cry. (True story) Later, my soon-to-be husband was in a play and so I worked in costumes. It was Shakespeare, and the guys wore tights. Can I just say that after that professor came to me to fix a hole in the crotch of his tights, he never intimidated me again! And I told him about the class and the restaurant and he was aghast that I never came to him for help.

  2. What!!! Haha! I just saw my name! I used to think Shaun and Allen were making fun of me too! Then I decided I didnt care-I can look spazzy all I want if it means I don't have to stress as much ab what I eat! And if Erin tells you how she looks pretty even when she's sweating you let me know too! Haven't figured that one out! I'm intimidated by people that run thirteen miles twice in one week... Kaci, Matt Keller, Dorothy cheruyiot... To name a few! The elite!

  3. I'm intimidated by people who run! How do y'all do it? I still don't get Tom being a runner. I'm gonna brag on him. Did you know he was on a running scholarship in college and ran in the NCAA Championship! I wish and dream and hope one day I'll run. Then yesterday I ran down my driveway to get the kids off the bus and thought, that's not a dream or wish it's a nightmare! If people only knew how intimidated I was by others. You'd never know I'm intimidated to get up and sing in front of people. Everytime I ask God, "Sing through me. Don't let me sing, sing through me!" Thanks for sharing Kaci, I love you. Oh and you intimidate me because you are always so stinking cute in your adorable clothes!

  4. You're sweet Jenn. I might be "cute" on sundays...but the rest of the week is ROUGH.

    Kimble - i used to be SUPER intimidated by you! you're so fun, smart and talk about an adorable wardrobe!!! you are an elite athlete. you ran a half marathon pregnant!

  5. Apparently I belong to the wrong gym. I should join yours, Kaci, because I intimidate nobody.


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