been a while!

i certainly haven't done a good job of keeping up with my blog lately. i think about it often but i tend to go for sleep or reading instead!

i am tired this morning. not sure what my deal is. gabe sleeps SO well. he's been sleeping through the night for over a week. several of those nights being 9-10 hours straight. amazing.

he's such a delight. my favorite mom things are reading to him, singing & playing with him, laughing (which is new!) and first thing in the morning. he is super smiley and happy. melts my heart every time.

other than Gabe - i feel like most of my life is in transition. we are in the process of trying to sell our condo which FREAKS me out. i'm so scared it won't sell. obviously if we're trying to sell we're planning to move. we are buying a precious, perfect, Spirit-filled house from friends. i love knowing that we are moving into a place where God's word is constantly being spoken, talked about and sung about! ( that a word?)

also, TAs is in a big transition. several staff members are leaving so we're bringing in & training lots of new folks. i totally trust God with all of that. i won't lie...i freaked a little at first with all the changes but God has quieted my heart & mind. i know things will be ok.

when i look at Gabe i see God's faithfulness. how can i doubt Him?!

i'm trying to think of funnier/happier moments... :)

Gabe just laughed and smiled at me. wish you could've seen it...

got another email from Gabe's birth mom. that always makes me smile. she is precious to me.

here's a sad truth - i found the almost empty peanut butter jar in the trash the other day and yep, you know it! i got that joker out and scrapped it for all it was worth. yum. i love peanut butter.

gabe has hair on his ears. i call him teen wolf. will that go away?

i almost fell running sunday morning. i was planning to run 13 miles but after almost knocking out all of my teeth on mile 10, i ran home. now my right buttock (ha!) is killing me. hellooooo advil.

i'm just rambling. can you tell?

i'm already excited about introducing gman to the beach. i hope he loves it like i do!! i also hope he likes running. mainly b/c jay will not run with me...ever. the closest i get to jay running with me is him riding along side me in a golf cart when we visit his parents.

ahhh, jays parents. i wish you all could spend time with them as well. his mom has got SPUNK!! you gotta stay on top of your game with her. she doesn't miss a beat! i know she loves me but if i didn't KNOW that...i'd be scared of her! she is hilarious.

his dad is obnoxiously sweet. i truly love him. he encourages me and sends me sweet emails filled with scripture. awesome.

we had our 2nd post-placement visit last weekend. we have to have at least 5 before our adoption is final. the lady said gabe is like a 4 month old with his milestones. well done kiddo!! he's brilliant.

this isn't the best blog ever. sorry. guess i need more coffee??  sleep??  humor??  ha!

give me some ideas to blog about...


  1. Hey Kaci,
    Just wanted to throw my two cents in on your teen wolf. The hair should go away. Babies are covered in hair during the early pregnancy. When Mckinley was born she came before all the hair hit the "fall off" stage. I was a little concerned when my baby girl came out with dark hair on her back, but all is well now. Although, I'll probably be wishing she had dark hair on her back when she is about 16.



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