i love peanut butter

i check my friends' blogs every day and get sad when they don't write. it kinda motivates me to write more often. not that i have anything to say.

i could wander through target every day. i dont buy things. i just walk around. it's the only store i'm like that about. except maybe fresh market. but there i sample, sample, sample. yum.

yesterday gabe and i went to visit my parents and took the BEST.NAP.EVER. mom had their bedroom all dark, snugly (is that a word?) and ready for rest. gabe and i both went into slight comas. it rocked. i love my parents. they are so loving. i think  know i'd move in with them.  :)  they almost always have great snacks. hummus & carrots, apples, these random spicy pickles and yesterday homemade chocolate cake.

i have a growth group at my house on thursday nights. (growth group is like a small bible study) those girls crack me up. they each drink like 4 capri suns a piece. 4 of them are late every week. we laugh for an hour & a half. we try to get serious & stay on topic at least 20 mins. they are nuts, totally ADD. but i love their hearts. i love that they have been faithful to meet for 2 years now. i look forward to another year. most of them are addicted to peanut butter like me. we talk about it too much!

i am obnoxiously jealous of the folks headed to the  beach for spring break. i really love the beach. i love getting up early & getting my run in. (even though its stupid hot) i love grabbing my chair, umbrella & book and being on the beach by 9am. i MIGHT come in for lunch...or send jay...or pack it after breakfast. other than rolling over and/or taking a dip in the water i don't move til dinner. dont ask me to play frisbee, football or jump waves. NO. i want to lay out...that is all.

i'm sure that will change with gabe. but he's worth it. the good news is jay needs someone to entertain him while i lay out...why thank you gabe!

have i confessed my addiction to toast? i love it. i eat it twice a day. i'm not one of those no carb people. i dont even understand that. i'd be mad. really? no carbs? i'd need therapy.

i hate putting gas in my car. not b/c it's expensive. i just hate it.

i saw a story on expensive purses/handbags on the news the other morning. i kinda felt like less of a woman b/c i'd never even heard of the brands they were talking about. ha! i'm the cheapest woman on the planet...ok thats not true. but i am NOT paying a lot of money for a purse, shoes or any item of clothing really. i just cant bring myself to do it. i'm not judging folks that spend a lot on those things. i'd just rather have 20 pair of old navy shorts for the price of your 1 fancy brand.

did people really ever play with marbles? could someone explain to me what that game is about?

i'm not a competitive person. but the game phase 10 makes me the most ungodly human ever. i get stuck and get ILL. i think i called my mom a bad name once playing, no kidding. i'm really an awful person playing that game. oh and bunco. if i played that game on a regular basis i might not get in heaven...even though i believe in Jesus.

jay was soooooooooo wrong the other night. please know that for a least a month i've been asking him to take a box of gabe's clothes into the attic. he conveniently kept forgetting. so wednesday night he was feeding gabe while i was cleaning the kitchen and getting my coffee ready for thurs am. all of the sudden jay was moving things to get into the attic. i was so shocked! thinking he was such a thoughtful husband i went to finish giving gabe his bottle. before i even reached gabe i realized where jays "thoughtfulness" came from. OH.MY.POOP. it was the worst thing i'd ever smelled.

so i made jay look me in the face and tell me that his inspiration had not come from gabe's bottom. he tried to lie...but like a kid getting caught he started to grin. he said "but it made a gargling noise!" my response was so.... he kept asking me to please change him, just this once. UMM....NOOOOOOOOOOO. i made him do it.

yes he gagged. i laughed. he gagged. i laughed.

well done gman


  1. I'm so glad you blog! I love reading it and it always me smile and usually makes me laugh out loud! Like Jay finally getting into attic to get out of a diaper! Good stuff!! BTW, I'm so excited for you guys and for Gabe. He is one lucky kid!

  2. I started a second blog. I'm keeping BekahBabbles for fun/silly stuff, but I've been spending the last few days working on Theologically Blonde :) Check it out! theologicallyblonde.wordpress.com

  3. Love reading your posts. I especially love when I haven't had a chance to read in a while, and then I have several to read. I think if I knew you better in real life, we would have a lot of fun together. Now, on to the important stuff: marbles. I had no idea what to do with a marble until my in-laws gave some to my kids a couple of years ago. I was intimidated because I never really even knew how to play dominoes or old maid. (I still don't get go fish.) Marbles, to my surprise, is such a fun, simple game. My kids love it. All you need are some marbles and a bandana or something to be the boundary. (A chalk circle works outside.) Look into it. Winner gets peanut butter?


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