happy anniversary josh & claire

today is josh & claire's 13 year anniversary! how fun. that means they've been together for 19 years (dating & married.) oh my! they dont seem old enough to have done anything for 19 years.

i love josh & claire. there are a million reasons why. i love lists. so i'll list some in second. first, i'd like to confess how completely jealous i was of claire when they first started dating. mainly b/c she was ALL josh talked about. i liked her, i'd always admired her! but i didn't like that she seemed to take over his thoughts/life/everything :)

looking back it was really precious that he's loved her so much (even from a distance before they started dating...)  i am not one to hide my emotions. i cant even hide them if i want to...my thoughts show up all over my face whether i like it or not. so josh knew i was having a hard time with the new girl in his life (and me being pushed aside!) so he wrote me a sweet note telling me that even though claire had become a big part of his life and (would hopefully always be!) it didn't change his love for me. he talked about how we'd always have each other, we'd always be brother & sister and have our precious shared memories with more to come. ahhhh, i could relax. he still loved me :)   Ha!

ok some of my favorite things about j&c:

- they still hold hands when they are sitting next to each other :)  i used to fuss when they held hands in church (back in high school.)  ugh, it got on my nerves...i used to say "she's not going anywhere!" but now it warms my heart to see them still holding hands and loving on each other. (i say that like they are 95 yrs ld.)

- they laugh a lot
- they compliment each other. claire stays calm at things that flip josh out and josh is the organizer!
- they LOVE jay & i. they are like parents to us! they check on us, pray for us, support us more than anyone.
- they will share anything with anybody and help anyone they can. they amaze me.
- they were SO BRAVE with all the russia/adoption stuff. i can't get over it.
- they both love to eat. they crack me up. i love that they both get excited about good food. i think josh knew claire was the girl for him when she ate slice for slice a large pizza with him one night.
- i love that claire LOVES chocolate chip cookies. anytime i see homemade ones i think of her. always will.
- they love their kids well.
- claire is the most patient, loving, fun, creative mom.
- josh is hilarious. i know he keeps those kids laughing. he also leaves them sweet notes like he used to do for me. i love that.
- josh & claire are the worlds most fun, crazy, WILD dancers at weddings & parties. invite them...just for the entertainment value. they will make your wedding video.
- i love that josh reads with a headlamp on in bed at night.
- they always have great snacks in their pantry. always.
- they love God and are faithful to Him.
- they gladly serve in the church nursery - even the morning after arriving back from a trip to russia.
- did i mention how FUNNY they are dancing? just checking.
- they play wii with the girls. dont be fooled - claire does NOT let them win :)
- they make pancakes on saturday mornings...with sausage etc. i love that.
- they helped us become parents in so many ways. claire even offered (more than once!) to be a surrogate mother.
- i've always thought claire was one of the most beautiful girls i've ever known. she really is. not just on the outside but the inside too. she is such a terrific girl. i admire her a lot. i appreciate her friendship. she's the best. josh married up for sure! :)
- josh has always been the most kind, generous, loving brother. he never fought with me, picked on me or hurt me. he's always been a best friend and someone i can trust with anything.

i love them. i love their kids. if you don't know them, you're missing out.

happy anniversary! i love y'all.


  1. my kids read in bed with their headlamps, too. :)

    i love the way you love on people, kaci.


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