random thoughts

the weather today is perfect. i had such a great run this morning.

i just bought the most hideous running shoes you've ever seen. no joke. if you see me running in them...please know i am aware that they are god awful. they were on sale.

i love the white part of an orange. is that weird? when i peel an orange i eat as much of it as i can. thick navel oranges make me happy! lots of white stuff.

it took a month but i finally (with a sad heart) gained the 5 lbs that my mom, jay & claire wanted me to. not an easy task.

gabe sleeps 9 hours a night. BOOYAH.

jay washed a couple bottles last week. i'm still not over it.

i dont like animals.

we really, really need to sell our condo!!! it really is fabulous. let me know if you're interested.

if gabe is ever fussy (which is rare) all i have to do is belt out a song, very loudly and he calms right down. it's hilarious.

my dad just dropped gabe off. he had on a suit and looked so very handsome. but Lord knows the man can look homeless when he's not dressed up. his "bum" clothes are as hideous as my running shoes.

i eat yogurt at bfast every morning. i put it in the freezer for an hour before i eat it and it's perfect. you should try it.

i need new clothes so badly. seriously, i've been wearing the same clothes for the past 4 summers. i pray daily for hand-me-downs.

i wish i had a pool. i only need to work like 12 hours this week and i would LOVE to spend some of my free time by a pool. i gotta find one.

jay FINALLY trimmed up his beard this week. i wanted that so badly. he was looking scary.

murder shows are my favorite. jay knows this. and he canceled the ID network on our tv. what?!  the only reason i'm kinda ok with it - is b/c i'm caught up with most murder stories. i dvr LOTS of crime shows during the week - dateline, 48 hr mystery, etc. i love 'em.

josh & claire's house got robbed this week. that makes me very angry. criminals suck.

one of my best friends in the world got engaged this week. YAAAAAAYYYY ashley & chase. i am beyond excited for them.

i have an addiction to zoe's kitchen. i cant help myself. it's so good. i have the refillable cup thing. that keeps me going back! i'm too cheap to buy a drink when i go out but i sho nuff refill that joker til i cant breathe. it's fabulous. i love the decor in there AND the music.

i feel bad that i don't go to panera as much. i like the folks that work there! but zoe's gives me more food.

speaking of liking employees. why is it that the people that work at momma goldbergs on manchester epxwy act like they are annoyed to be serving me?! that makes no sense. it's like customers are an inconvenience. i dont understand. (except 2 of the employees - they are always sweet!)

no worries - i just go to MGs downtown instead (if i can help it.)

people keep asking when we're going to put gabe in the nursery at church. my response...when he's 12! but seriously - he's no trouble. so for now, we'd rather have him with us. is that bad? hope not b/c it's what we're doing.

i am ravenous between the hours of 3:30 - 5 and again from 7 - 8ish. i have no clue why.

last weekend i went to the gun show with jay. bored out of my mind. i was asked if i was gabes grandmother while we were there. that depressed me for a couple days. but it didnt convince me to wear makeup every day like i thought it would.

i shouldnt bum it like i do most days. the only day i wear makeup is sunday...unless i have to look good for a work thing. i should stop that foolishness and do something with myself.

some women even wear makeup to the gym. that will never be me. i always wonder if they put it on that morning before leaving the house (i only go to the gym in the morning...) OR if it's makeup leftover from yesterday...

i am super self-conscious at the gym. especially in the core class. but i make myself go to the front of the class b/c then i will work hard.

i've been listening to "seeds of faith" cds in my car with gabe. honestly i listened to them before gabe. but now i purposefully turn them on when he's with me. i'm hoping to hide Gods word in his heart from the start! but i've been surprised at how much it's helped me. i sing, think and quote Gods word more than ever. i love it.

i sing those songs when i'm running a lot of morning. except for thursday of this week. i sang a christmas song...yes, christmas. not even a good one! it was a dumb song i learned in elementary school about santa. i couldnt stop myself. 10 miles of santa.

i bet i am boring the mess out of whoever is reading this mess.

when i get in my 60s i hope i eat like a fool. i want to be a fluffy grandma. at least i think i do. my mom says she wants to be a fluffy gmai'll learn to bake something. you have to right?!

my poor family is screwed if i'm ever in charge of a holiday dinner. salad anyone?! toast? umm, grilled cheese?

things i'm looking forward to:
- making our new house our own...while keeping the sweet, godly feel the cashes will leave :)
- visiting jays family in april
- the BEACH
- TA staff retreat
- going to a movie again soon. not sure when or what...but i'm ready.
- seeing jay when he gets home in 30 minutes.
- watching gabe grow up
- taking allie to lunch for her bday
- seeing what gabe is interested in when he gets older. i HOPE its college football, guitar, & running. but i don't care what it is. just Lord PLEASE dont let it be animals.
- introducing my aunt, uncle, cousin and her boyfriend to gabe.
- eating a zoes soon
- selling our condo
- our adoption being final
- going to nashville with jay and hopefully visiting the dodd boys.
- getting some hand-me-downs. i know they're coming b/c i'm praying.
- laying out all spring & summer
- running with my hideous shoes & gabe in the stroller.



  1. what a fun post - not boring at all. i'm gonna tell you why you are awesome. just from this post. ready?

    -you buy shoes based on price, not looks. way awesome.
    -you listened to 3 of the people who love you most and trusted their love to help you make a wise choice. way to go!
    -you love God, jay, gabe, and your family SO much.
    -you listen to seeds family worship with or without gabe (b/c i listen to it with/without my boys, too - i like it for the way it sounds and the fact that it has helped me memorized so much scripture. and -at 36- the books of the NT in order. finally.) i think we have every cd, and will be happy to share if you like!
    -that you keep gabe in the sanctuary. how long did you pray for and long for that sweet boy? hold him on sunday morning! that is worship in and of itself! go for it!
    -that you like hand me downs.
    -you've made me want to go try zoe's.
    -that you don't have 4 dogs. thanks for that.
    -y'all are going to be awesome neighbors.

  2. "fluffy grandma" I like that. I think I am one.

  3. i really like your random thoughts. i'm excited for ya'll to make this house your home....praying that it will bless you as it (or certainly the Lord through it!) has blessed us.

  4. Girl - that was not boring at all! I read the entire post...word for word. :) You are a hoot! And glad to know someone else out there gets super hungry between the hours of 3:30-5....that is me almost every day! Sometimes I can resist the cravings. lol. But, today was not one of those days...maybe b/c it is sprng break! I would like to see your "hideous" running shoes. Surely they're not that bad. Oh - and animals...man, not a fan of mine either!!! But, why did I think you guys had a dog...?! AND I am SUPER happy for you and Jay being blessed with your precious lil' one, Gabe!!!

  5. Oh Kaci, I just found your blog. I . LOVE. IT. Doing a growth group with some ladies on authenticity. I appreciate yours. :) makes me smile. Want to throw something today and really just enjoyed reading your blog instead. YOu make me smile.


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