
Showing posts from October, 2014

grace His marvelous grace

His grace is sometimes too much. i am just so thankful. i don't deserve an ounce of His marvelous grace, love and friendship. but i am overwhelmed by it. i haven't been thinking like i should lately. i've allowed some old thoughts to come creeping back in. i am confessing for several reasons: 1. to bring it into the light  2. for prayer :)  3. because i probably share too much, ha. y'all know i hate my struggle. i do. i AM still living in freedom as far as food & exercise goes. i don't feel tied down or bogged by either. BUT my clothes are ill fitting and that is hard. (i can't afford a completely new wardrobe so forgive me if you see A LOT of repeats!) i went to the Lord yesterday with the question "how much is too much?" when it comes to weight gain. i don't know what He said/thought... BUT He has, despite my fleshy-ness, given me such encouragement...  this week is prayer week at CCC. if you know me you know this is one of my lea...

books, quotes and Jesus

gosh it's been a long time since i've blogged. so much has happened since my last post. the first thing is that i read an awesome book called "the circle maker." LOVE IT. Thanks Polly! wow, it has encouraged me and challenged me. i'm not good at explaining books. i'd never make it writing spark notes (or cliffs notes in my day!) but this book has challenged me to write down BIG dreams and prayers for myself and my family. the things i wrote for myself i'm too embarrassed to say/write out loud :) but they are BIG things that only God could do. that's what he encouraged the readers to do. another cool thing i remember from the book was how he encouraged me to rest/sit on past miracles while praying for new things. so sometimes (when G isn't home) i will do my quiet time in his room bc he was certainly a HUGE miracle for us. sitting in there last week i remembered that i also sat in his nursery (LONG before it was HIS) and did my quiet times...