for courtney

Wow, what a wild ride. I have wanted to blog for the past month but I’ve been busy…good busy!

We have completed our part of our home study. OH. MY. That is a lot of work. I have an entire notebook of forms, fingerprint cards, medical records, etc. on the two of us. I’ve been to the police station several times. Got fingerprinted by a grumpy sheriff and laughed a lot. I did get to see a guy get arrested & handcuffed at gunpoint. That was exciting!

Jay has kept me smiling through the entire process. He’s been a good sport. He’s not a big fan of paperwork. I, on the other hand, enjoy checking off boxes and filling out stuff. Weird, I know.

I may share way too much about our process. Some people keep this stuff really quiet. Not me. I will share pretty much anything with anybody. So if you care enough to read my blog you can get the inside scoop on our entire journey!

A sweet friend told me that the Lord would give me lots of adoption “kicks” along the way…since I wont get to physically feel my baby kick inside me. And He hasn’t failed…

Here are some we’ve already experienced:

A precious couple that we are friends with, who don’t have a lot of money gave us $100 towards our adoption fund. 

We almost cried.

Fabulous cale dodds gave us our very first baby gift. I’ll never forget that.

My sister-in-law & niece went to 17 different stores yesterday looking for cute things to decorate our nursery. 

Even now, as we are on our way to Atlanta for an adoption meeting, they are running around town trying to get our nursery all prepared.

Nick & Dianna have let us borrow a crib. BLESSING. (and offered tons of other stuff!)

Dianna also called me one day and left a voicemail that made all 3 of us cry. (her, jay & myself) God is so sweet. I’ve saved her voicemail so I can type it out to never forget! “Big blessings to come.” Thanks friend!

Lovely Carolyn smith came over and helped me paint the nursery. She even brought all the supplies…minus the paint!

2 of my girlfriends’ have offered to throw us a shower. I’m humbled and THANKFUL.

A precious, precious lady from church told us that after praying for us she heard the promise that our “baby is on the way.”

Two couples from our church have met with us, prayed with us, prayed for us and given us loads of comfort & advice.

Jonathan Payne = calm, perfect, faithful friend. He takes great pictures & answers annoying emails with grace.

My parents & family have given us tons of encouragement…not only in monetary donations J but also in words and through scripture.

Josh & Claire – above & beyond…  I am speechless.

One day we were both freaking out about the cost of adoption. (Sometimes we still do.) But the Lord spoke very plainly to our hearts that He is in control. He told Jay to move forward with adoption even though we don’t understand how we can swing it! So in obedience, and trembling knees!, we are.

I love what I am learning about myself, our sweet marriage and Christ through this process.

Sooooo – many more “kicks” to come, I’m sure.

We are working on our profile book now. So we are waiting on calls & emails. The amazing group we are working with typically places babies between 3 & 9 months of the day you begin. So…here we go!

God is trustworthy. I am amazed.


  1. This is great Kaci! Please keep posting so I can keep up with your journey. I'm THRILLED at the thought of y'all being parents. There is going to be so much joy and laughter and Truth in your home. :) Praise God for this positive beginning. May He bless the entire process. Love you!

  2. My kids are gonna want to come live with y'all. :)


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