back off the pantry...
last week was the longest week of my life. i'm about to sound like the worst christian ever. and i hope pastor keefee doesn't read this... i hate prayer week. i know, i know. i'm pretty positive i just got assigned an extra porch to sweep in heaven for saying that. but it is such a LONG week for jay, gabe and myself. jay has to be gone every evening from 5-8:15ish and work during the day. so really, we just don't see him...for a week. i didn't realize how much we were going to miss him until we had to go sat - friday night having supper without him. me reading the Bible out loud to myself and a baby who isn't listening is sad. not to mention having a conversation. homegirl likes to talk. so i did. i just felt like a fool b/c i was basically talking to myself. gabe didn't seem too interested in my stories. he interrupted a lot. soooo friday night i decided to be somewhat godly and actually GO to prayer night. granted i was late getting out of the hous...