2012 thoughts

i was thinking about my life and how life changed in 2012. then i read my friends blog. she wrote some things she learned about herself in 2012. we had several in common! i've always admired emily geyer so it made me smile that we had some common traits.

2012 - changed my life. obviously b/c of Gabriel Wyatt Lesley. (best.kid.ever.) here are some things i learned about myself, life, marriage, etc.

just like marriage did, becoming a mom reminded me of how grossly selfish i am. ugh. i hate that part of myself.

i didn't know i could love being a mom. i really wasn't sure i had it in me. i wasn't that girl that was yearning for a house full of kids. ok, i'm still not that girl. 2 kids should be plenty...God willing for a 2nd.

jay will pay not to change a diaper. money in my pocket. bring on the poop.

walking to the kitchen in the middle of the night is dangerous...toys everywhere. i cleanup after Gabe but somehow he still manages to trip me daily.

everything i own is a toy to gabe. he "drives" everything around the house. his latest fascination is my author court (idk?!) silver butter dish lid. he likes driving it across our tile kitchen floor. worst.noise.ever.

gabe can eat more bananas in a day than any person i've ever known.

date nights are important. i love love love conversations with jay. he is so fun.

marathons are hard and long.

i love sleep.

i hate loud TVs and radios.

i am in love with my kindle. merry christmas to me. i may have a phone from walmart but i have a kindle, booyah. oh and i've never owned an ipod. homegirl is not up to date.

i am a hypocrite when it comes to christmas music. i start listening to it in october. but i cuss at radio stations that play it after christmas day. ok, i may not cuss but i turn the channel and complain to myself.

i learned to untie a double knotted shoe in a new way. i never knew you could just pull the looser end. how did i make it to 34 without knowing that?

i learned that a baby doing sign language is the cutest thing ever. its awesome. so very helpful! so far gabe has learned to sign: more, finished, banana, milk, eat and he's working on please, thank you, down and play. so much fun.

he's not deaf.

i learned that Gabe's birth mom is one of my all-time favorites. she emailed us a birthday wish for him and the sweetest prayer EVER that she prays for him daily. i wrote it out and framed it. so, so sweet. i'll share it sometime!

this next thing i learned may not come out exactly how i want it to. i just learned something about "missions" that i hadn't ever considered...

please know my heart. i do not mean to say one way is right or wrong. i'm just sharing something i learned.

i have a couple friends who long to be overseas doing mission work. (i don't have a heart for that...) but they wish so badly that they were in a foreign country. BUT they are both doing jobs here in georgia. they are ministry related jobs. i know they are doing exactly what they are called to do right now. but what makes me sad is that nobody looks at what they are doing as "sacrificial or mission work." that doesn't seem fair.

they are doing just as much as people overseas. but no one is sending them care packages, financial help or letters. they aren't "praised" or "bragged on" like people who leave the country.

ugh. i hope this makes sense and doesn't sound mean! i don't mean it like that at all!!! i certainly am not talking about myself. i love my job. i think we are all called to be "missionaries" right where we are. i guess i just wonder why foreign missionaries seem more "glorified." maybe they should be, i don't know.

some mission trips/jobs look more desirable to me than being in the states!! just sayin'...

ok, moving on.

i am attempting to grow my hair out. NOT long just longer. it looks nasty. funk stage = unattractive.

i love a big fat salad more than most any other food.

my only goal for 2013 is to be able to do pull-ups and chin-ups without a band. ok i should say pull-up and chin-up...take that s off :)   oh and to try to be more like Jesus. (LAWD help me.)

i learned i have off the charts good cholesterol. yeet.

i think jay & i decided when we adopt again we'd like another boy.  boys are FUN. i do think little girls are precious. they definitely have cuter clothes options. but i don't dig middle school girls. i'm not good with drama. i feel like i can say that b/c i am a girl.  i also can't tie bows or do hair. so i need boys.

i have ugly feet. thanks running.
i hate putting clothes away more than any other part of doing laundry.
shaving my legs takes forever. i don't know why.
burpees are evil. add a box jump to them and they get worse.
jay says people in hell have to do squats and cheer for auburn. ha.
i like grocery shopping but i dont like loading/unloading and putting things away.
i am the wimpiest girl at uncommon athlete, i think. i cannot lift the amount of weight those girls do!
jeannie myers & erin scott look beautiful before, during and after a workout. not fair.
jay uses way too many pots while cooking b/c he doesn't do the dishes.
i really have an unhealthy love of squirt butter. don't judge me. or tell me its bad. i don't care.
when people leave their sweet potato skins and/or bbq onions on their plates at countrys i want to eat it.

our family goal for 2013 is to "go deeper." excited to see what we learn. i'll let jay lead us FOR SURE. when i am praying for something or asking the Lord for wisdom...i typically ask Him to tell Jay. he tends to hear from the Lord better than i do.

i love Jesus. i hope i don't get on His nerves. i bet i do.


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