just some wednesday rambling

it's been a while since i've blogged so i figured i'd take a minute and write.

this past month has been wild with trips to different doctors trying to figure out all my strange symptoms. mostly lightheadedness, heart palpitations, fatigue, etc. 

we're slowly ruling things out which is nice!

leaning towards a thyroid issue. which we have known was off but had a doctor put me on medication that i shouldn't have been taking without another medicine with it. so there's that...a year on the wrong medicine. awesome.

here's what my monday looked like:

it was marathon doctor day. started with endocrinologist at 7:45am, neurologist at 9:30am and cardiologist at 11:30am. 

almost passed out after having blood drawn at first appt. apparently if you take 3 things of my blood i'mma be lightheaded! last time i DID pass out. this time just came close. it was terrible.

sadly i didn't have TIME to pass out because i had to drive (quickly!) my my next appointment!

so with the thyroid we are waiting on labs to see what our best next move is :)  until then i am taking a small dose of a synthroid every morning. 

neurologist seems to think its ANXIETY. awesome. so i am going to have an EEG done on Thurs to check my brain :) if thats clear we'll move on or just call it what it is.

cardiologist - had a stress test. i was basically entertainment. only one person in 10 years has taken the treadmill to level 7. it took level 5 to get my heart rate up to 85% which is the LEAST they'll take :)  but by that time my i was hungry and tired of doctors so i said forget just trying to beat level 7. i'm out :) 

so we're thinking it's not heart. but i did go back yesterday for an echo and to get this attractive heart monitor put on. LAWD they did NOT inform me of how large and obnoxious this mug was going to be! only two more hours!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOO, i am trusting the Lord. how do people go through life without faith?????? i'd completely lose it.

i am thankful that we are narrowing it down. but i canNOT live my life with these lightheaded moments. they are terrible and very frequent. so keep praying for them to be GONE!

God has been so faithful through this whole thing. seriously.

He gave me PRECIOUS Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that TRULY care and want to help me find relief. He has given me folks who LOVE and serve Jesus in their work and its is obvious. I cannot thank Him enough. shout out to Jed Vickers and Hailey Sullivan! 

in happier unrelated news:
G is POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can i get an AMEN?! 

what a blessing. no more diapers!!!!!!!!!!!! and he's super proud of himself. seeing him come out of the bathroom with his pants pulled up all crooked it one of my favorites.

last night, he climbed up and sat on a bar stool in our breakfast nook and talked to me while i cooked supper. y'all, it was my most favorite time of the day. i cannot get enough of him. 

he's 3. but he has a heart like no other! he genuinely cares about how my day was, how i'm feeling, etc. yesterday we talked about how i will get to be at home more starting in June. his face LIT up! it was absolutely precious. 

i do dig that kid.

but there are moments when i wouldn't mind if he spent the night with mimi and poppy! haha.

saturday he was rather grumpy. jay and i kept trying to figure out who we could drop him with for a day. hahaha. y'all know i love him. but let's keep it real folks. three year olds are not rational. 

let's talk about some of the things that have made him cry and/or pitch a fit in the past few weeks:
- i wouldn't let him play with scissors.
- he wanted to go to the doctor for no reason
- he decided he didn't want yogurt or applesauce ever again. (yet asks for it daily)
- we don't own the movie Wall-E
- my middle name is leigh
- i told him not to put his pancake on the bottom of his foot
- i poured water in the coffee pot
- i moved a pine cone in the yard
- i wouldn't let him wear his pajamas to school
- his batman underwear were dirty
- he SWORE there were ants on his pillowcase
- i gave him a orange vitamin
- he cried this morning because the party "our small group" wasn't still at our house from last night.

i could go on.

let's talk about some sweet, funny G things:
- he's getting really good about telling me 3 things he loves about me. (we do that to each other and G regularly. he's catching on!!)
- he slept til 9:20am sunday. which i thought was AWESOME until that afternoon. we went upstairs to play with his new train table (thanks Vasa) and the couch cushions and pillows were slung everywhere. he announced, "oh yeah, i did that when i couldn't sleep in the middle of the night." oh, awesome. uhh...electric fence? JK JK JK :)
- he can tell you a Bible story in a heartbeat (from his little lions Bible.)
- sunday morning he sat with me while i put on makeup. he's so interested in my tweezers. this morning (no tweezers in sight!) asked if my eyebrows looked pretty, ha!  (and no.)
anyway, while i was putting on makeup i was asking him questions. i asked who his "birthday mom" is to which he replied "Angie!" 

I said yes! then he asked where she was. i reminded him she's in Texas. then i asked him who else has a "birthday mom?" and he said, "vasa!" :) so true. i am so thankful they have each other to walk through adoption with. what a precious blessing.

PS - any worship song that mentions orphans...........wipes me out. i weep like a fool.

that little guy has my heart. i do love him.

PLEASE pray that we will honor God in our parenting. my next goal is start him on a routine of having a morning quiet time. it may be reading through the Bible with us, or listening to "Jesus music" as he calls it, or simply sitting quietly for a few mins and asking God into our day.

when we were waiting to be matched in the adoption process i did my QT's in his nursery. so i think it'd be sweet for us to continue that by having our QT in his room together.

PLEASE pray that the Doctors will keep searching until they rule out everything and nail down exactly what is going on with my body! gosh, there are so many things going on in this world and with people i feel so selfish asking for prayer. But i believe in it. so i'm asking :)

last month with TAs. yikes! it's bittersweet heading into this last month. every morning i pull into the parking lot i tear up looking at the cars in the parking lot and thinking how strange/sad it will be not to see these precious friends of mine daily.

and LAWD help me do a good job with Jeeah's Hope! 


  1. I just happened to check your blog today and BAM, new post :) I'm praying the docs will pin down a diagnosis and treatment plan (which won't be super invasiveI) I love songs that mention orphans as well. But for Christ, we are all orphans in this world. I love that Gabe is a daily reminder of that lavish grace. Love you friend. Prayers going up.


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