nothing new, just thinking....

I haven't taken time to sit and write since April I guess. That's the last time I blogged. I should work on that.

You know how Facebook shows your "on this day" stuff as soon as you sign in? Mine for the past week have been all about college football (no surprise!) and the TA retreat.

Thinking about the TA retreat brings back so many memories! Gosh so many friendships, so many laughs, so many tears, so much truth from Big Lee, Dee Dee & Will. So much fabulous worship with Jonathan & Lisa. Oh how thankful I am for those years.

But my heart also remembers the hurt. I remember reading the "write your heart out" papers that the students fill out anonymously before the retreat. Wow. I remember reading about divorced parents, affairs, deaths, self-esteem issues, drugs/alcohol, thoughts of suicide, bullying, sexual and physical abuse, broken hearts after losing their virginity... everything you can imagine and more.

Now anytime I see teenagers I think about their hurts. I don't just see them as high school kids...I see their struggles. I see teens often going in and out of Columbus High since it's a block from my house. And honestly when I see them I want to stop and hug them. I want to ask what is REALLY going on in their hearts and minds. I want to give them a safe place to talk, share, laugh, cry, drink a capri sun and eat granola bars.

I miss having my house full of teens. It never starts with them sharing their hurts. It starts with them being rowdy and driving me INSANE throwing trash around my house, eating french fries and drinking milkshakes and NOT GAINING A POUND ha! It begins with me constantly asking about their day, their weekend plans, their tests, their families.... and then they open up. Then you get the "real" stuff.

I'm not trying to make the teenage years seem all extra dramatic and terrible. It's certainly not! They do have a lot of fun!! I know that and love that.

But I can honestly say if I'd grown up with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter I would've been a HOT MESS.

Can you imagine the extra pressure that puts on kids? How many likes did my picture get? How many selfies can I post today? (make it STOP!)  Who has more friends? More followers? Lord help us.

I am a grown woman and I struggle not to compare myself to other moms and women on social media so I can't imagine what it must be like for teenage girls and guys.

Comparison has always been a struggle for me. For me it has come in all sorts of ways...

I went through the "I want to be liked/popular" like her stage (dear me, that's exhausting.)

I wanted to be "as skinny as" or "the same size as" which looking back is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS.

I wanted to be "as good as" people in ministry.

Now it's "her kid can write?!" "her son can read??"  "her kids always matches."  OR "I wish I didn't have to work..."

Lord it's always something. Thankfully the Lord works on my heart constantly. And thankfully I'm not in high school trying to deal with all this.

I don't think this post in making any sense.

Bottom line, if I could grab every teenager in town and sit them down I would say this...

Relax. Take a deep breath. Let go of the tension, stress and worry you're carrying. Let go of all the pressure you have put on yourself to be (fill in the blank) ...the coolest, prettiest, funniest, smartest, etc. Because here is the truth... You are just fine the way you are. Your Creator knew exactly what He was doing when He knit you together in your Mother's womb. I know it may not feel that way at times. I know what society tells you is pretty and you may not fit that mold. I know what this world says is successful and you may not fit that either. But HE does. He KNOWS you. He knows every hurt, every joy, every doubt. He knows that you think about at night before bed. He knows what stresses you out when you wake up and think about facing the day. He knows. And He's with you. He delights in You. These high school years will be a mixed bag! Some days will be the best ever and others will tear you down. But it's only 4 years of a whole big life! Don't make poor decisions today that will effect the rest of your life because you think it will make those stresses go away. Don't change who you are and who HE created you to be because you think you'll make more friends or be more popular. I know, I've been there, I know it really seems like doing what everyone else is doing will make life easier but in the long run....for the REST of your life (remember, this is only 4 short years) it will not make life easier.

So be you. Love Jesus. Don't be ashamed to make good choices. Don't be afraid to talk to people who are "cool enough."  Be a friend to everyone. Be nice. Don't be a mean girl. Don't be a snob. Don't be "that guy" that walks around acting like he's God's gift. Dear me. 

Keep on living a life that pleases Him. If you aren't sure what that is, ask! I'd say live a life that pleases your parents but sometimes that's not always the case. That being said....honor your parents. I always remember Lee saying "if you can't honor your parents you are going to have a hard time honoring God." (my paraphrase.)

You won't regret being kind. You won't regret giving Him your daily stress/worries. You won't regret relaxing and laughing more. You won't regret finding TRUE friends who love the Lord and seek to honor Him. 

You are enough. HE is enough. Rest sweet child. Just rest.

That's what I'd say if I could.

I'd also say something to every parent too (ahh!) maybe another day.

Love on a teenager today if you get the chance! They need it. Promise.


  1. You know that working with teenagers for so long has made you wise beyond your years, don't you!? Great words, Kaci. I always enjoy reading your blog...and Amen to everything you said!


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