life lately

we had our last adoption home visit yesterday. now we've just got our court date in texas and we're done! i'm trusting God with every last detail. i, however, am spending my time finding just the right outfit for gabe for court. i'm definitely wearing my cowboy boots. yeehaw!  i hope our lawyer does too. at least for a picture! i'm planning on buying a cowboy hat for gabe and having the lawyer & judge sign it. hope they are friendly.

is it weird that i'm already thinking about child #2? this time i'm thinking toddler. they say they are harder to come by. that seems odd to me. i'm praying about it and asking God to tell jay when it's time. jay is better at listening to God...i talk too much.

i moved into my new office at work. it is super fun! it's really big. makes me look important. rest assured i'm not! ha. 

today i am super thankful for my job. here are some reasons why: i dont have to dress nice or wear makeup. our office is such a happy place to be. smiley people, good snacks, relaxed atmosphere...just perfection. we laugh A LOT, we all love lunch meetings, we have a bathroom on the porch...we all know why folks go there! it stays busy around 2pm, ha!  my office is filled with sweet notes from students and ONE aaron wrote me last year. i also have notes from chas, hilarious. i love that i get to spend time with students especially during the summer. i LOVE having them stop by my house. saturday i had nonstop visitors for 3 solid hours and i loved every minute. i love that we pray for each other. i love that leah & i both love sharpies & flare pens. i love that we can come & go as we need to. i love that walking into someones office and seeing them read the Bible is the norm. need i go on?

here are some things i love about gabe: he laughs often. almost all the time really. he loves to "talk." he is friendly. he is super smiley in the mornings. he likes to push himself up to the top right corner of his crib and chuck pacifiers on the floor. he laughs when i do my jillian michaels workout. he's sneaky and tries to watch tv every chance he gets (he's not allowed to watch tv!). he shivers if you feed him anything green - peas, green beans, etc it's so funny. he says mama!!! he loves bath time. he loves to sit on the front porch swing. he loves singing with me. his hair stands straight up. he's got a rockin' tan! 

i pray (seriously i do) that he loves me. i want so badly to be a good mom. i want to make him laugh. i want to lead him in godly wisdom and at the same time FILL his life, heart and mind with joy. i want to treat him the way my parents & jay have always treated me...with such love & respect. i want to love him and look at him the way God does. i hope he meets his birth mom someday and yet understands that GOD chose us to raise him. i hope his heart is always full of peace and rest knowing he is loved. i hope he has a sibling one day so that he can have someone to grow up with. BUT if that isnt Gods plan for us - i love knowing he has 4 cousins & 2 "extra" cousins (jack & weston!) here in town that will love him like a brother.

gabe is an absolute delight. i pray that my attitude towards him always reflects that. even when i'm tired, sad, sick, etc.

jay is hilarious. i have decided that he is ADD and needs medication. i told him that last night. bless his hilarious heart. he cant get jobs done b/c he jumps to new ones too quickly! he's so fun to be married to. you just never know...  yesterday he fed gabe on the porch twice. wonder how i know that - oh b/c he left the bottle on the swing both times.  he is sweet when i kick him in the middle of the night b/c he's snoring. i'd be mad if someone kicked me. he always says i love you in a funny way at the end of emails. he eats at girly places with me. he takes gabe on all kinds of adventures. yesterday he taught him how to work on a lawnmower (which jay had to call in backup), he also showed him stuff on his motorcycle and had him smelling like a goat after a couple hours outdoors. this morning gabe was in jays lap and he would bend over and DIVE down towards the floor...gabe is a nut! we decided he would be a spelunker one day. jay is already talking to gabe about saturday lunches at dinglewood. oh Lord. jay made me laugh cutting down tree limbs the other day. he looked so funny on a ladder that was waaayyyy too short. not to mention, i kept singing stupid songs while he was trying to saw the limbs and it would make him have to stop b/c he was laughing so hard. but best part of jay this past weekend....he wore OVERALLS while working in the yard. H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. 

what a fun life.

i say that. but yesterday i was kinda bummed. i dont know why really. it was just one of those days. i did get some good rest yesterday afternoon though. that helped. today i am determined to be happier. i am choosing joy! when i look at my life i dont see ANY reason not to be joyful. i am truly blessed.

what else is going on.  umm our washing machine is whacked out. we had a guy come look at it but it's still insane. it's all out of balance. it sounds like it might walk from the laundry room to the living room when it's washing. ugh.  also our garbage disposal doesnt work. it worked sunday but not yesterday. really?! stupid. we did get rid of our roach issue. thank you Lord & pest control man. i hate a roach. i emailed gabes birth mom yesterday. i cannot wait to hear back. i'm soooooooooooooo interested in whether or not she wants to see gabe when we head to texas in july. i will respect her decision either way. but i kinda hope she will want to! i'd love to see her.  i wish you could all see the way people look at jay, gabe and me. it's funny. they look at us like..."umm, does he know that baby isnt' his?"  jay isnt as tan as gabe & i... :)  

we are driving out to dallas next month. so if you know of any great places to stop along the way let us know! my parents love good places to eat so send suggestions. we will definitely hit up the diners, drive-ins and dives site before setting our route! food = important. 

last night was the first time jay has ever had chocolate chip pancakes. i dont even understand how you can make it to age 37 without ever having experiencing such bliss. he also had no clue what a crepe was. what?? poor guy needs some culture! i remember one time at my parents house we were having beef stroganoff. the kids wouldnt eat that so we also had chili on the stove. jay put chili on his noodles and stroganoff on the side. that made me laugh. he didnt know what stroganoff was either. poor sweet jay. 

i played boat/slide/jumping the the pool with vasa & addison last night. umm, jumping off a bed onto the hard floor & pretending to swim is not fun when you're 33. just sayin'. they loved every minute. i think i jammed every joint in my body. 

this blog was pretty pointless. enjoy.


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