just rambling...

gabe is napping and i'm bored. i kinda wish he'd wake up so we could play. but waking him up is a bad idea. then he's grumpy. so i'll wait...

nobody wants to know this but whatever. i had a "runners moment" twice this week. yes, yes it's what you're thinking. i almost pooped my pants twice. tuesday was REALLY bad. i was praying so hard that i'd make it home. barely friends, barely.  today i was laughing with madison about my tuesday emergency and dang if it didn't happen again. barely.made.it.

why does this happen??? ha. gross.

gabe is the most amazing kid. yesterday was soooooo not fun.

he's having a procedure done next week. so we had to go to the doctors office and fill out some paperwork THEN go to the medical center and do some pre-op stuff. they failed to tell me about the medical center part or i may have had my mom keep g. poor guy.

at the doctors office we played with everything we could while waiting. they had a waterfall thing. we soaked ourselves playing with that. then we talked about every picture hanging on the wall, every christmas decoration and walked the halls. finally they called us into an office. we sat there for a bit. i had to keep g from playing with all kinds of office supplies! staplers, pens, tape, fake plants...oh my.

i finally kept him entertained throwing my bracelet all over this woman's office.

we jumped in the jeep and went on a quick lunch date before heading to the medical center. mom was about to pass out...hungry kaci = bad news.

i decided i'd put him in the stroller to go in the hospital. he didn't enjoy that one bit. but at least it was a bit less for me to carry. we made it into the pre-registration waiting room. i'm not trying to be ugly but there was two homeless looking guys in there that smelled like straight urine. it was BAD. gabe and i both almost cried.

this sweet lady hurried us into her office. it was a tiny little office! between me, her, gabe, a diaper bag and stroller we were basically sitting on top of one another. by this point gabe was over it. he was not interested in watching me sign anymore paperwork. so after throwing pens, paci's, keys and toys we finally got out of there.

BUT not before she informed me that gabe's procedure was going to cost us $900. b/c he haven't met our deductible. well crap. merry christmas and happy birthday gabe!! i almost threw up and cried. gabe did cry.

so we packed up our depressed selves and headed home. gabe was ready to eat & sleep. we totally missed our play date with the whites :(  but gabe desperately needed a nap!

when he woke up we did laundry and made dinner. he was hilarious. while i ate he threw envelopes & stationary all over the living & dining room. i didn't care. i also didn't throw away the envelopes. they just have a little gabe lovin' on them :)

he laughed at me when i was cleaning up his mess. crazy kid.

i am very thankful that we have dad around today for extra help :)

i felt like a "real mom" yesterday juggling all that stuff.

gabe will be ONE next week. i cannot believe it!

i read on facebook this week that you can call or email publix your grocery list and they will shop/bag it and bring it to your car. is this REAL?

i may have to try it.

i tend to get sad about christmas being over about now. ha! it hasn't even happened yet and i'm kinda sad that it's going to be over. i have issues.

we had minnie's at the office this week. OH MY LAWD. never cook thanksgiving again folks. just order there thanksgiving stuff. soooooooooooooooooo yummy.

i love the food network. i could watch it constantly. ok, except for anything like chopped or iron chef. i also don't like that restaurant impossible show. i don't like that guy...

i bought a dress this week with horizontal stripes. homegirl does not wear horizontal stripes. i'm being brave.

i don't put decorations on my christmas trees. (yes i said trees. but they are skinny tall ones all clumped together.) i don't like ornaments. is that weird? i just like white lights.

my makeup is the wrong color for my face and i'm too lazy/cheap to go buy new foundation. i am so weird.

i have always wanted to be a red head.

it's only 10:45 and i am ready for lunch.

i don't like candy canes.

i also don't like lollipops or really any candy that's not chocolate. except for candy corn.

i have to make an appetizer for the ccc party monday night. ideas??

i am making my white elephant gift for the party. it might be inappropriate. oh well.  so far i've taken a "sex for dummies" book, and a naked lady in a picture. so really, what do i have to lose?!

keith can make some YUMMY meat. i always look forward to what he cooks for us.

i think uncommon athlete is getting harder! more intense workouts for sure. i think they are slowly moving us all up to "advanced" without telling us. ha. no joke. this weeks workouts have been ridiculous! oh.my.

monday morning one of the guys that really does do the "advanced" workouts started talking to me about running. he mentioned that he saw me running one morning. i heard that part of the conversation but that was about it. i was laying on the ground and he was standing so i couldn't really hear what he was saying. soooo....i just said yes to everything and smiled. we could've planned a date or something...heck if i know!?

don't you hate things like that?! ha. i was too embarrassed to say "what?" 15 times so i just smiled like an idiot.

moments like that make me laugh. like waving at someone and realizing they weren't waving at you. or someone calling you & just chatting away and you have NO clue who you're talking to! or tripping over nothing or laughing long after everyone is over whatever funny thing happened. i could go on...

gabe is still asleep.

i cannot wrap gifts. no joke. when i try it looks awful.

i am not good at video games.

i cannot walk past peanuts without eating some.

i only like pretzels with peanut butter.

my ears aren't pierced.

i can't cut straight with scissors.

i am awkward in bars.

i don't like slushies/Slurpee's whatever those things are called.

i don't like super hero movies.

i cannot write in cursive.

i am a nerd at parties.

i hope gabe likes me when he is old enough to have an opinion :)

i LOVE onions. love love love 'em.

i am SO VERY SAD that football is over. (college) what in the world am i supposed to do on saturdays?!!!!!!

i don't like the movie "a christmas story" ...is that the "you'll shoot your eye out" one? i hate it. it's the only one i don't care to watch every year.  i think it's depressing.

i'm gonna go make noise so gabe wakes up.


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