nap please

gabe woke up at 4:30am and was pretty honest with his desire for i scrambled out of bed and stumbled my way to the kitchen. of course i tripped over a few toys on my way. then opened the cabinet and a bottle fell from pretty high up and hit my toe, hard. it was more painful that it sounds!

i've been up since.

i had my normal (large) amount of coffee this morning but i'm still half asleep.

it's always dangerous when i have no reason/point to my blog. here we go!

gabe says "tant tu" (thank you) constantly and i LOVE it. so precious.

he's so much fun. he truly is. i don't know why God chose us to be his parents but i am SOOOOOO glad He did. what a cool blessing.

i love christmas. i'm already excited. i love christmas lights! i love christmas trees. i love christmas movies, decorations, smells (like food!), weather, music...ahhh i love it all)

that's why this is my most favorite time of year. ALL of my favorite things are just ahead of me!  COLLEGE FOOTBALL, our fall family extravaganza, my birthday, thanksgiving and Christmas!

then i kinda get sad for a while. i despise new years eve. i don't like the month of february at all so i'm pretty much sad til march.

other random info:

i almost always have a candle lit in my office.
i don't like overhead lights, just lamps.
i count a lot. like stairs...i can't help but count when climbing stairs.
during football season i listen to espn radio nonstop. i kinda turn into a man.
between 3-4:30pm is my least favorite time of day.
i wish i had a favorite show but i don't. like one that i cant wait for every week. i just don't care.
yesterday i finally turned my calendar in my office from january to august.
today i wish i was sitting at Jays parents table drinking coffee and relaxing.
i can't stand to have unread emails.
i think i could eat buttered biscuits at every meal.
i could probably go the rest of my life without ever eating anything fried.
i love lists.
i almost always have gum in my mouth.
i don't drink diet coke often but i almost always do when i travel.
i wish chickfila would let me buy ONE french fry when i go. you can buy a nugget for .40 so why can't i buy   a fry for .25?!
i like momma goldbergs but i never leave feeling content or full. imma need more food.
i want to wear scrubs to work. i totally could, nobody would mind, i just dont own any. and i might look silly.
i have zero decorating ability.
i dont like wearing makeup. but i wont wear "real clothes" without makeup. hence my dressing in workout       attire often.
gabe put a refrigerator magnet in my running shoe yesterday.
tofu gives me REALLY bad gas.
i love to pay with exact change.
i dont understand why people like the game 4 square.
you couldn't pay me to eat a zebra cake.
diners, drive-ins and dives makes me want to pig out. i cant watch it late at night or i will eat.
most nights when i lay down i can't help but thank God for deciding we needed to sleep.
i heard bojangles has rockin biscuits.
i went to get a large tea from dunkin donuts (its big and $1) and when they opened the window gabe said,       "yummm!" he smelled the goodness that is donuts.
i cannot write in cursive.
sometimes my right hip hurts so bad i have to stand up. but its only sometimes...and its fierce!
why won't sams get with the rest of the world and take visa?!

i am almost 35 years old. but someone asked me the other day how old i was and i said 33. what?! who doesn't know how old they are?

thats all.


  1. I totally want to wear scrubs every day! Not enough to join the medical field though Ew. I am taking care of my mom and I am a total baby with wounds and stuff.

  2. Holla on the Bojangles biscuits! Get one Kaci!! :) and I count when I climb or descend steps too, haha!!


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