my girl Leah

i don't know why i keep thinking of people to blog about. but i have some pretty cool people in my life so i guess this is my way of sharing them with you :)

today i'm going to tell you all about (well not all) Leah Carr. i like her.

she blogged about me a while back. it absolutely surprised and blessed me. because i admire and respect her so much her words meant the world to me and still do. i'll certainly make a list of things i love about her but i'll start just sharing my heart...

i first met Leah when she was finishing up her senior year in high school. i had just come on staff with TAs and remember seeing her at a TNBS. she had a big group of friends and they seemed so happy, comfortable and fun. none of them believe me but i wanted to get to know them b/c i thought they seemed fun BUT because they were about to graduate my boss at the time told me to focus on some younger girls that i could build relationships with that summer and into the next school year. i had NO CLUE that Leah and her friends thought i was being a snob and thought i didn't want to be their friend. seriously i had no clue until years later when she told me! funny now but kinda sad thinking back ha!

i finally got a chance to know Leah when she came on staff for Velocity after graduating from UGA. GOOOOOO DAWGS!

i learned pretty quickly that she was perfect for her job! i've never seen someone start a job and nailing it on day one! but she did. she is the most organizeshed, efficient, dedicated person. no joke. she has charts, assigned colors for her calendar, boxes to check, etc and nothing falls through the cracks with her!!!

it is AMAZING.

she manages her staff so well. aaron and i laugh that we are pitiful and kindof a train wreck compared to Leah. but somehow we get our stuff done as well. seriously Vteam has like assigned jobs, charts and notes for every event. ummm...we used to have that. now we just do it without hardly having a conversation. lawd help us. somehow it works. but i do admire her!

EVERY summer at our staff retreat i promise myself to be more like Leah the upcoming year. i have failed. every.year.

she rocks her job but isn't cocky about it. i probably would be. i'd hang my color coated charts all over the office for everyone to see :) haha. but instead i keep my big event plans scribbled on a napkin with Gs coloring on it tucked away in my files.

her office is filled with notes from students and staff sharing how much they appreciate and love her. she is bragged on in meetings and throughout the TA community. i love it. i wish she could hear every sweet compliment. she'd be shocked and how often her name comes up in conversation.

she loves Caleb (her husband) and only speaks kindly of him. i like that about her too. they have such an awesome relationship. if jay and i worked together we'd be buzzing each others office with silly comments all day. they may do that but i never hear it. they work very well together and keep their work relationship so professional! its fun to watch. their love and respect for each other is delightful.
it is fun to see them laugh together too :)

before i get to listing things i LOVE about my girl let me share a couple things some of you may not know about her. she's had some very tough stuff to go through the past 5 years or so. maybe longer. but she does not let it effect her FAITH. it is inspiring. she could have taken this mess thrown at her and used it to whine or complain or ask "why me?" but she hasn't. it has only made her faith stronger and her determination abound! she trusts God. she clings to Him when things suck. i love love love that about her.

another thing you may not know is that her heart is in overseas missions. if she could she'd be living in Africa or another far away place doing foreign missions.

and honestly - she'd get a lot more "glory" for it. i know that sounds terrible. but people that do foreign missions are much more celebrated, well-known, supported and heard of. stay with me here...i don't mean to make light of foreign missions AT ALL!!! but i know for Leah it has been hard because she KNOWS she is CALLED to the mission field that is middle school students in Columbus GA. but bc she is in town, has a seemingly "comfortable" life she doesn't get the attention that other missionaries might.

the good news is GOD sees what she does. He knows her heart. HE knows that being obedient to His calling is hard for Leah. i've seen her weep because of her desire to do foreign missions YET stay here and serve with ALL OF HER HEART to velocity. it's awesome.

i wish people sent her care packages for the mission work she is doing :)

but i trust God to bless her ten fold. and more!

ok other things i love about Leah....

- she is comfortable and confident in her own skin. i LOVE and admire that in her.
- she can not shower for days and still look beautiful. how?
- she is FUN. she makes everything more fun.
- she is thoughtful
- i trust her with my hurts, fears, and can confess things to her that i am ashamed of without worry of judgement.
- she LOVES students and seeks to serve them well.
- she is hilarious.
- she is brilliant
- she teaches step and yoga. i would be terrible teaching both.
- she has the best handwriting.
- she is SO CREATIVE
- she appreciates simple things like notes and a box of sour patch kids.
- she loves Jesus and its evident
- every time i am with her i learn something
- she is easy to talk to
- she is a faithful friend
- she's honest
- she has NO IDEA how much she is loved by students all over columbus and heck the US!

i know, KNOW, know that God smiles and probably even stands in appreciation when he sees Leah. i know that He is proud of her. i know that He sees her obedient heart when it comes to living in Columbus and working whole hardheartedly (is that word? spell check did it) to what He has called her to. i pray that she knows He is proud. i pray that she hears his heart and kind words towards her.

she's gonna have a ROCKIN' mansion in Heaven. i hope she lets me visit. (i'll be in a tent somewhere sweepin porches.)

i love Leah. take a minute to tell her how much you love her too, will ya?


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