what it's like to be me...

as if the nausea and pain isn't enough with gall bladder issues... lawd.

let's talk about how dumb my morning was.

first of all, G and i both woke up at 4am. yes, 4am. gross.

we both tried to go back to sleep. i put him in our bed (judge me...i dont care) but we both just flip flopped til we gave up. around 4:45 he said "i need sompin (something) to eat." so we got up and made pancakes.

then i left at 5:15 to squeeze in my last workout before surgery tomorrow. G was funny. when i came back he said "why did you leave to run in the dark?" i said i didn't run in the dark. he said "oh you went to common?" ha i love it. he calls uncommon athlete "common."

speaking of working out, last night while i was making supper he got down on the floor and said he was doing push ups like mom. too cute. he was on his knees though. mom doesn't do them on her knees.

ok so i got back from UA. took a shower and then ate my bfast. while G completely destroyed our house and lost jays church keys.

then i helped get him dressed to go with jay to CCC so i could go to my pre-op appointment at st. francis. here's where my day gets stupid yet somehow typical kaci....

so i pull into the parking garage. and basically have to park at the top. why? why are there so many people there at 8:15am?

i finally find a spot to park. then i get out and think to myself "i'm a fit girl. i'll take the steps. i don't need an elevator!"

ok so i start down the concrete steps attached to the parking garage.

now, picture Will Ferrell in the movie Elf. remember when he's riding on the escalator for the first time and basically does a split????

yep, that's what i did going down the steps. so there i am all by myself, in a split, laughing.

thankfully no one else was in there because out loud i said "so, there's that...."

which only made me laugh even harder. i couldn't pull it together. i was walking in the hospital, alone, laughing like an idiot.

i picked up my phone and started texting madison like crazy so i at least looked like i was talking to someone. AND she's the first person i text about most things...especially funny things.

ok so i pull it together (after checking in the registration lady. yes, i laughed the whole time she was asking me questions.)

so they give me a pager thing and i went to have a seat. i finally pulled it together and started reading a book.

then some girl came to get me. we went to her office. i think she must be new because she was a bit of a train wreck. first she typed in all my info and then somehow lost it. which (again) made me laugh. then she printed off my info and hospital bracelet and i had to ask her who the doctor was she put on my stuff...because it was NOT Dr Roddenberry. lawd only knows what surgery she had me signed up for. yikes.

so we fix that. then she says
"ok so for today you owe $3061." again, i laugh.
i said, "uh, right now?" haha
she said "yes, now."

i pulled out my debit card and no lie handed it to her with my hand shaking. i was like "uhh this may not work!"  who keeps that much in their checking account? ESPECIALLY after just paying the doctor $1300 out of pocket tuesday?!


somehow that mess went through. but i told her i had planned on going grocery shopping after my pre-op visit but that may no longer take place! lawd.

as soon as i left her office i was on the phone trying to get jay to move money over from savings. it was nuts. he couldn't answer the phone bc he was playing for the conference at CCC and so was my brother who is our banker. AHHH. i was freaking out.

ok so then they move me to the waiting area again for more pre-op bidness.

i was sitting next to a guy with his pants leg all hiked up and leg propped on a wheelchair. i kept looking to see what happened to him but never figured it out. i know he thinks i was creepin' on his legs. whatever.

a nurse came out and for some reason was giving me the stank eye when she walked by. i thought to myself, "yep, she'll be my nurse. i just know it." yep, she punched in some numbers and there went my buzzer thing lighting up. awesome. she hates me already and is about to stick me.

so we went back to the lab area. she weighed me...such joy.

then we went in the room and she asked me a million questions including "are you being mistreated or abused at home?" i almost laughed. i know i shouldn't. its a serious question  but jay is so dang nice i couldn't imagine. and i am thankful!

we talked through some stuff and then she told me she needed a urine sample. awesome. i'd already been to the bathroom twice. i just knew i wouldn't be able to do it.

she made me wash my hands, use some baby wipe bidness to clean myself (like i'm contaminated!) and then pee in the cup.

thank the LORD i'd had a liter of water and two big mugs of coffee.

nailed it :)

praise HIM she got my lab work faxed over from my doctor so i didn't have to do any blood work today. i truly hate needles. hate them.

my last lab was good if it'd be done in the last 30 days, mine was 29 days old. YES.

so that was my morning at st francis.

tomorrow (as of now) PLEASE pray it stays this way, i am first on the list for surgery in the morning. please pray my IV goes in smoothly. last time she stuck me so many times i passed out.

gall bladder surgery is pretty routine. so i'm not scared of it. but some of the after stuff is funny. let's talk about it....

- they fill my abdomen up with air/gas so they can see what they are doing. sooooooooooo, i'mma have to poot that out after surgery. awesome.

G calls poots "stinky frogs" so he'll be saying that a lot tomorrow i guess.

- at my consultation the surgeon told me i may have to use the restroom quickly after eating for a while after surgery. my response was, "so you're saying i may have explosive diarrhea?!" he didn't laugh. i did.

- thankfully i already eat a low-fat diet so maybe it won't be too much of an issue.

G is completely stressed that someone is taking something out of me without putting another one in. it's too cute.

from what i hear it is a pretty easy recovery. folks say i should be back to normal in a week. yay!

feel free to pray for me! especially the IV part. yuck.

pray for G. he may not like not being able to crawl, jump on, or be picked up by me for a bit.

pray for jay. he has a crazy busy weekend and then me recovering.

pray for my sweet parents who will be taking care of G and me. jay too!

oh, and pray we somehow get $5000 back to put into savings. gosh, i feel so guilty costing so much. good grief. yuck.


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