i am SO excited!!!!!!!!!! get excited with me!

y'all. i have such exciting news. i'm so pumped.

last month i shared that i am leaving Teen Advisors after 13 years. you can look back and read that post to see the prayers and guidance that went into that decision.

so, i made that decision only knowing that it was time and that i wanted to do something that allowed me to be at home with G more.

i pulled out my "something for God to do" box on feb 11 and wrote finances/job after TAs.

it is March 3 and He has already answered.

and it is PERFECT.

if you know me at all you know my heart for 3 years or more has been Gabe and adoption. i love the whole process. i love how it gives couples the family they've always wanted and gives children the families they desire/need, etc.

i adore how our Heavenly Father works.

guess what i get to do with my life....................WAAAHOOOO.

i get to go to work for Jeeah's Hope. wonder what that is? well, let me share!

Our Mission is to eternally impact the lives of orphans and foster children for the Kingdom of God. Jeeah’s Hope desires to glorify God by meeting the needs of orphans and by equipping families to answer the call to care for "the fatherless" both here and abroad. Jeeah's Hope is named in honor of Ellie Jeeah Carlisle (2008-2010). It is our prayer for every orphan to have HOPE and a FUTURE.

so i get to love on, encourage, support and plan events for adoptive families, foster families, donors and folks who simply want to love on these families.

y'all. this is fabulous.

before today, i didn't really understand what Jeeah's Hope did. i'm sure i still don't truly know what this organization has done and will do but i am BEYOND excited to find out.

i met with the Board today and left so encouraged by their giving hearts. they exist to support the fatherless. they have all adopted internationally and/or domestically. they GET it. they know the ins & outs. they know the hurts, fears, joys, struggles, etc.

adoption and foster care is a beautiful thing. i love that our community has caught Gods vision for taking care of orphans.

it IS His vision.... “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” - James 1:27

Jeeah's Hope believes: While every child deserves a family, not every child has one. God has a heart for these children and calls Christians to be His expression of love to them. Our goal is to unite churches in our area in extending God’s love to children who are living their lives in orphanages or in the Foster Care System.

let's just be real - with parenting whether your child is biological or adopted - there are moments of worry and fear. these times come before the child is in your home, in the first few days & months and even years after they have become part of the family.

Jeeah's Hope is the support system for every step of the process. we aren't anything special or fancy! we are moms and dads who have walked this road. we may not have all the answers but we have life experience to share, hugs to give, prayers to lift up on your behalf.

how amazing is that?!?!

Jeeah's Hope exist to LOVE on families.

my job is to get these families together once a month or so to share life. another fun part of my job will be to put together several bigger events throughout the year to get these families together as well as donors and others who love & care about adoption and foster care.

is this real? this is what i get to spend my time and energy doing! can i get an AMEN?!

another huge part of Jeeah's Hope is to help support these families financially. they have done a tremendous job of helping match families donations. feel free to give towards that. what a way to love on the fatherless if you aren't in a place to adopt or foster yourself.

another precious thing the Board mentioned today is that they have (in the past) and my goal is to bring it to life PRONTO is to make little bags for DFCS to give to children when they are pulled from homes where they have been abused or neglected. often those children walk away empty handed and (i'm guessing) full of fear. so how precious is it to hand them a bag full of their own things? it can be anything...from a teddy bear, pjs, toothbrush, tshirt, socks, underwear, pillow, etc. just something that is THEIRS to take to the next place.


so....CCC folks, if your community group is looking for a way to serve/give for the Church has left the Building on March 15 PLEASE consider pulling resources together for this!!!!!!!!!!

you are going to hear me talk a lot about Jeeah's Hope in the future. if you've ever considered adoption or foster care PLEASE know you are welcome at our monthly gatherings and big events. heck, if you aren't interested but simply want to love on those who are and/or give to this precious ministry you are also more than welcome!!!!!!!!!!

Go ahead and put the 4th of July weekend on your calendar for our summer shin dig!! we're going to have a huge cookout with hot dogs & all the sides, smores, BLUEBERRY pickin' AND music from Jae Lesley and Jonathan Payne. EVERYONE should come. i promise it will be so much fun.

please "like" Jeeah's Hope on FB. and check out their website (ok, maybe wait a month or so...it needs some updating, ha!)

get excited with me about this precious ministry. i am honored to be part of what GOD is doing in this city for the fatherless.


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