this thing called running....

Lawd knows I have a love/hate relationship with running! I love the idea of it. And during fall and spring I actually love it. But summertime is a different story. Good grief, there is no way to escape the Georgia humidity. (I mean, unless I leave GA.)

I haven't always been a runner. Not AT ALL.

I didn't play sports or do anything active really growing up. I tried dance at one point. I think I did it for a year. Wasn't my thing.

I also did gymnastics when I was 15. Yep, 15. A group of us girls decided we wanted to give it a shot our freshman year. I think they were all good at it. I, on the other hand, was a train wreck.

I may have attempted gymnastics as a kid too. But I don't remember it...which makes me think it was traumatizing therefore I forgot it.

I also did ballet at age 30. NO woman in her 30's should wear pink tights and a leotard. Well, that's not true. Some women can. THIS woman should not have. I hated that mess. I felt like those pink hippos on the Disney channel. I was clumsy and not at all graceful.

But my first year working with TAs (maybe 2nd) I was set up by some TAs with a runner. I won't name names b/c that might be weird. Anyway, he was a big runner. I don't think I cared at all that he actually ran....I just wanted legs like his!!

Seriously, that vain reason is the only reason I started running. I remember him taking me to lake bottom park and helping me learn to run. When I started I couldn't run more than 30 seconds without taking a break. Yes, I was that pitiful.

He kept working with me though. I wouldn't describe him as patient, kind or even encouraging as a "coach." As a boyfriend, he was all of the above, but when we were running the devil came outta that guy, ha!

I remember telling him that I hated him, I hated running, calling him names, etc when we would run. So apparently the devil came out of me as well.

I'll never forget me telling him one day that I couldn't go any farther. I told him I was going to puke. And I did. Did he let me stop?! Oh no, he said "you should feel better now so let's go!"


I'll never forget the time I ran the full outside of lake bottom without stopping. It's a mile & a half if you just run the outside of both sections. I was SO PROUD of myself. I remember calling my parents and my brother to tell them. I probably called the guy I was dating too....he probably said something like, "that's it?"

Seriously when I got to the point that I could run 2 miles without stopping he would run with me and then go on his run...which was like 20 miles.

We (obviously) ended up breaking up but he continued to help me and coach me. Well, until he started dating a girl that would NOT let him talk to me. Boo. But no worries, that's when Adam Pugh stepped up and has been my "coach" ever since. Thanks Adam!

I have had so many great running buddies through the years! Sarah Jane Hebert was one of my first after the guy couldn't talk to me anymore :)  She was one of my TAs so we would run after school. Thinking back I don't know how we did it! We'd do like 8 milers late in the day. Gross! We must have been nuts.

She ran with me the morning of my wedding. I'll never forget it :)

There were several years in there that I mostly ran by myself. Thinking back I don't know how I did it. How boring!! 10 miles alone? whew. I was dedicated!

I had some sporadic running buddies for a while but nobody really cared to run as early as I like to or as far so by myself it was!

Then came Madison Montgomery. We met her sophomore year in high school through TAs. We are the same person so we became instant friends. We didn't start running together regularly until her Junior year in high school, I think. But once we started running our friendship blossomed for sure. Running buddies know EVERYTHING!!! This girl knows everything about my life. How could she not? Running 30+ miles a week with someone you are bound to share ALL.

We've been through it all together! We've laughed while BOOKING it to the nearest bathroom, we've laughed about relationships, Gabe isms, how much we hate running, how much we love running, we've come up with at least 5 different routes around this town and they all have names. Here's a few for ya: the ghetto run, the UA run, the happy place, the CSU run, the el carrizo run (even though it wasn't there anymore), the big A*& hill run (that'd be owsley)...I could go on.

We trained together and nailed our first marathon together! Oh LAWD. If you'd like to relive that day with me go back and read:

We still run together. She's my best friend and I love her like a sister.

Danelle McNew came along in my running life because she was friends with Madison. We have spent MANY miles and hours together on runs. She is a precious friend who has prayed and walked through life with me like no other. We've shared the same struggles and victories. I love that girl. Same with Meghan Stewart. I call her the "running bully" because she is fast and can't even help herself! She's FAST. But she also is a fabulous, faithful friend who encourages me to pursue Christ with everything I've got.

I also know have another group of running buddies. It all started with a very RANDOM Sunday morning run with Shelley Walls, Colleen Meeks and Jennifer Lamb. Out of nowhere Shelley asked the 3 of us to join her on a Sunday morning run. So we met at Manchester park and ride and ran 8 miles together.  That group never ran together again (not all together) but Jennifer and I kept that Sunday morning run going and have kept it going for almost 2 years!

It has become one of the sweetest groups. It's a random group! We never know who will be joining any particular run but it doesn't matter. WE JUST LOVE IT and each other.

Yesterday Derrick Shields did a sermon about staying "fit" spiritually and physically. And I can honestly say this group of girls helps me do both.

I'm kinda like a man when it comes to hanging out. I'm not good with coffee or lunch dates with girl friends. I am MUCH better if we are DOING something together. That's probably why I love the fellowship that comes with running.

These girls love me on good days and bad. They have prayed with me and for me while running!! Those moments are so very special. We will just pray out loud while running for whatever need is mentioned. I LOVE IT. These girls challenge my faith, push me physically and have become forever friends.

I KNOW the Lord put them in my life "for such a time as this" because they have walked with me through this crazy journey of anxiety and other health issues.

I thank the Lord for them daily! Charity said yesterday that our group could've done the break point testimony at CCC. I agree!! We are doing life together.

To close I'll list a few reasons I love these ladies:
- they are honest.
- we hold each other accountable
- we pray
- we laugh
- we share our hurts, fears and joys. I mean really SHARE them.
- they push me!
- they ask tough questions...
- we all love Jesus and honor our spouses in the way we speak of them
- they understand almost pooping your pants on a run
- Theresa knows a lot about everything. And is simply hilarious.
- Charity can give running shoe advice!
- Jennifer and Shelley can teach us all about parenting!
- Meghan and Danelle definitely push us in our faith, love that!
- I don't know what I offer the group......ha ha ha ha?!
- Madison brings YOUTH! ha we're all "old" ladies and she's young and fresh :)

 So this, friends, is why I run.

Fellowship. Fitness. And because of the ladies it helps me grow in my faith.

AND because when you are running 26.2 miles you need A LOT of faith. Can I get an AMEN?!

Love you ladies.


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