just what i needed!

so this week we went to the beach for our staff retreat. it was EXACTLY what i needed after the craziness of moving. of course it started out a little chaotic. i got up wednesday morning, threw on my running shoes and squeezed 10 miles in before packing things up for the beach. i had myself and gabe all packed and ready. jay (of course) hadn't started packing and had a meeting that morning...

jay has interesting timing with things. he has zero idea how long things take. i never listen to how long he says something will take. if he says an hour i know it'll at least be 2. so when he told me that morning he'd be ready to go by 12 or so i should've KNOWN it'd be later...

he called me around 11:30. i was excited thinking he might be on his way home. not so much. he was at goodyear. his breaks were acting up. ugh. we dont typically take jays truck on trips. but we were planning on it this time because we wanted to deliver a doll house to his sister.

jay said he'd call me when he had an estimated time on the truck.

i won't lie. i fell apart!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach and wanted to be on the road!!! not to mention this was a work trip and i didnt want to leave my staff hanging.

long story short - i cried, acted like a fool and made the executive decision that we'd take my car.

i (notice i didn't say WE) packed the car and we left around 1:30.

we arrived at the beach just in time to meet the staff for supper.

i was SO happy to see everyone! which is funny b/c i see them almost everyday.

dinner was super fun & yummy. i think i ate a bite of most people's food. i know i had a bite of jays, annas, shauns, and leahs!!  :)

after supper we headed over to the condos. unloaded our stuff and i went to our first meeting.

IT WAS SO FUN!  aaron was in charge. we played some hilarious games including "know your boo" (a staff favorite!)  i realized i dont know DB very well playing that night...

i jumped (and i DO mean JUMPED...it's crazy high!!) into bed around 10:30 and settled in for some tv.

it was back to 1980 b/c i couldn't find the dang remote to the tv in the bedroom. so i was stuck on one channel and the volume was obnoxiously loud! oh well.

ps - we couldnt figure out the tv in the living room either. so we had to watch TNT the entire weekend. ha!

i decided to skip my run on thursday morning. so i attempted to sleep in. gabe wasnt having any of that! he had me up at 6:30am. so i fed him and then had breakfast in bed. he fell back asleep so i took that as permission to hit the beach! i was the first one out. (no surprise)

i LOVE the beach.

gabe was cute. i took him out around 10am and put him in his baby pool under the tent. he was so darn cute. he played with his toys and with caleb while i got back to business...in my chair.

jay, gabe and i went to a long lunch. i drank 6 glasses of tea. perfection.

then they headed out and i hit the beach again.

great times, fun conversation with anna and leah. i LOVE these girls.

i really just love the TA staff. such fun people.

thursday night we ordered pizza and met during dinner. very relaxed.

we met for several hours and THEN played catch phrase charades.

i haven't laughed that hard & long in YEARS. seriously, i laughed for 2 hours. most fun i've ever had on a staff retreat. no joke. DB is the best at charades. anna cant help but talk when playing charades. cindy thinks if you get close to what the clue is you are good enough HA!  apparently pointing at me = salad (haha) and if you ever want to see what bungee jumping looks like - DB can show you!  oh and "beaver carpet" still makes me laugh.

we laughed, worked and played hard on this retreat. it was perfect.

friday morning we got to encourage each other. i LOVED it. i needed those encouraging words and prayers.  we gave the upcoming school year to God and reminded ourselves to REST in Him.

the ride home with the bergers, aaron and anna was ALL ABOUT FOOD. we seriously talked about food for 3 of the 4 hours. when i got home i ate until i went to sleep!!

our new executive director went on the retreat with us. he is going to be AWESOME. he already is awesome! he jumped right in with us and acted like a fool. he had brilliant words of wisdom and brought a sense of peace to the retreat. i am SO VERY thankful for him!

i made it the entire retreat without eating trail mix. it's my downfall. once i start i CANNOT stop!

random facts (from the trip):
- i want to be anna justice.
- the TA, inc. staff is hilarious. every person on staff is funny!
- aaron wall loves his wife a lot :)
- derik is going to be a fabulous dad to joey
- shaun berger acting out silly string = funny & kinda creepy!
- i'm not the only person that cant stand the squeaking shoes & horns in basketball.
- cindy sargent ROCKS and cries a lot :)
- cocodries and the place it changed to is no longer.
- our staff likes chocolate chip cookies
- cindy makes AMAZING salsa from scratch.
- caleb will not put sunscreen on another guy hahaha
- derik has a cool ball that will skip across the water without sinking
- gabe doesnt like green beans
- amanda and i love coffee. a lot.
- amanda and i have A LOT in common. including growing up eating home cooked meals every night, putting on pjs early in the evening and not buying snacks at gas stations.
- leah & caleb are super cute together
- austin is waaaaaaaaay more mature than most folks his age

i am so glad its summer. i cant wait to spend LOTS of time with TAs. i am also looking forward to rest. i am very happy to be moved and finished with TA events until the end of august.

the end.


  1. so so so glad it was such a wonderful retreat!!!!!! we may need to bring "know your boo" to mercy ships...along with so many other things we know and love about TAs. God's got incredible things in store for TAs...can't wait to watch it unfold. please know i'm praying for you guys. daily.


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