ring & roach

since ehrrbody seems to be getting engaged these days i thought i'd tell our engagement story. odds are i've written about it before. but let's get real. if i can't remember if i have... i know nobody else remembers either.

jay and i were besties for several years before we started dating. lots of good times and BAD times with that. i'm pretty sure i've written that story...if not, will do.

so we started dating in december of 2005. we already knew basically everything about each other so dating was kinda pointless. ha.

i knew i wanted to marry jay when i met him. he took A LOT longer to catch on to our love... but i think he knew when we started dating we'd get hitched.

fast forward to april 2006. it was easter sunday. sporting my seersucker dress (from steve & barrys! sarah jane!!)  i arrived at church ready to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and then get my grub on at the Webbs. YUM.

i didn't think too much of the day b/c jay had assured me it wasn't going to be the day we were getting engaged. :(

back up - the night before we went to a braves game. it was SOOOOO much fun. EXCEPT that i was on this CRAZY strict diet. so i had to pack my supper. yes, that happened. no hot dogs, peanuts, etc for this girl. ain't nobody got time for that! what was i thinking?!

mmk. so after church i waited (impatiently as always) for every person at church to talk to jay. insider secret - if you talk to jay on sunday, he doesn't remember a word you say. no joke. you are better off calling or emailing. he is in a daze after church. just sayin'...

we jumped in jays truck and headed to lunch. again i was on this crazy diet so i had to eat random junk. like only green beans and chicken. right...i'm pretty sure i had a lil of everything they offered including red velvet cake. Jesus is risen folks - diets seem wrong.

we stayed for a while and watched kids hunt for easter eggs. i kinda wanted to push a few kids down and eat their candy. did i mention i'd been dieting?!

k so after hanging out a while we left. jay dropped me off at home and said he was running home to get my easter egg basket. uhh, hold up?! who, what, skadoosh....i did NOT have a basket for him. oopsy.

oh well. perks of being a girl i guess.

he was gone for a bit and then returned with a cute orange basket full of eggs and (get this) protein bars! hahaha that dang diet!

he told me the eggs were numbered 1-10 and that i should open them in order. so i obeyed :)

egg 1 said...

kaci leigh, i love you very much! you are all a guy could ask for. in the eggs, (all numbered) i have written some things that i love the most about you. i hope this is the best easter ever! enjoy.

2. your pure heart
3. funniest girl on the planet
4. playful spirit
5. your family
6. your love for kids (other peoples folks...)
7. low drama
8. low maintenance
9. self-determination
10. when you say "yes"

that 10th one kinda made me mad! but i smiled and said thanks :)

then he said, "i think there's a #11 in there." i said, "no i got them all." so we went back and forth. finally i found egg 11.

i opened it up and there it was....A RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i picked it up and threw it at him like it was a live ROACH.

and said "this better not be a joke."

i'm sure he said sweet things but i wasn't listening.

after some convincing i think i said yes and put the ring on. it was PERFECT!!

we always went to my parents for sunday night supper back then so it wasn't strange to me that we soon headed to my folks. i asked if they knew. he said my dad did. so i wanted to surprise my mom. we didn't call. just drove over :)

when i walked/ran/jumped in the house i threw my left hand up and showed my mom the ring. her response...?

"this better not be a joke!"  sound familiar?! haha

she kinda went after jay a bit. wondering why he'd all the sudden fallen in love, etc. it was cute.

she took some pictures and we celebrated.

then josh, claire and the girls arrived. i got to tell them. that was fun!

we ate supper and THEN sweet friends started showing up!!! we had a little engagement party with desserts. i ate almost an entire cake that my friend ashley brought as well as everything else on the table.

it was a PERFECT day. i'll never forget it :)

thanks jay. i love you.

i owe you an easter basket too.


  1. Absolutely hilarious that aftre reading about your strange diet, I get to the end and right under "post a comment" there is a hideous add with a fat lady in a bikini squeezing her belly fat. If I click on the arrow I can get "1 tip for a tiny belly".......I am NOT making this up. I demand better ads:) this is from denise, not david, guess we need to change our "membership" to your blog!


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