just thinking.

i need new ideas for "catering" for TA events. keep in mind we are a non-profit! waffle house = awesome. pizza is easy but i need fresh ideas! help.

we are having a TA talent show this saturday. i am excited. i think it is going to be fun/hilarious. we've got a guy doing stand up comedy. i would have diarrhea. i can't be funny if i'm "supposed" to be.

i don't have a talent. not sure why God skipped me.

i really want to be at the beach. i love spring and i love the beach. especially when its not ridiculously hot. i dont get in the ocean though. i just like to lay out, take a dip in the pool and eat/read magazines.

so gabe woke up at 1:30am wanting a bottle. so i gave him one. then i couldn't go back to sleep. i just laid in bed thinking about work stuff. so i turned on the tv.

i got totally involved in some show. it was soooooooo good. of course it was about murder/crime. i was tense waiting to see what the outcome was going to be. but....it ended with "to be continued..." sadly, it wasn't continued right then. i don't even know what the show is called so i will never know what happened to that poor girl. dangit.

on a happier note, i turned over and watched duck dynasty. i could watch that all day. i kinda wish Si would come live with us. he's hilarious.

jay and i were discussing the beards on DD the other night. he would love to have a nasty beard like that. i told him if he made millions, i'd be ok with it. no worries.

i have a picture in my office that aaron wall put in here. it's him dressed as "where's waldo" it makes me laugh every day.

people make me laugh. i appreciate funny people. sometimes people fb status updates keep me laughing all day.

jay can make me laugh pretty hard too.

so does gabe. one of my favorite things gabe does is come crawling 100 miles an hour when he hears his bath water start. gets me every time.

he said mama this morning. i love it. he never says mama. even when i ask him to he says dada and laughs.

last night he was pushing his high chair around the house, which is kinda normal, but he was under it facing forward...so it looked like an old persons walker. it made me laugh. he's a nut.

ya know what is gross? i have an awful bunion on my left foot. it is very unattractive. as are my feet...runners dont have pretty feet. it really is ugly. jay bought me some bunion contraption online. it's supposed to straighten out my big toe while i sleep. it is totally uncomfortable. so it just sits in my nightstand. honestly, if you just saw it...you might think it's a brace for jays "man parts" hahahahaha

speaking of that. my mom had this green little "pillow" when we were growing up. it was one that you could put in the freezer or microwave and use for a headache. but it was a the perfect size to rest something else...so my brother started referring to it as the "penis pillow." still cracks me up. i wonder if my family remembers that pillow?!

i LOVED that we laughed a lot growing up. i super appreciate that my parents enjoy humor. we laughed for our entire dinner hour. no joke. i know it's why we are all so close today. we ate together every night at 6, shared life and laughed. i'll never forget those moments.

ya know what else i wont forget? that my sweet mom got up every morning and made us a hot breakfast. i told jay last week that i can say without hesitation that we NEVER had a box of poptarts in our house growing up. i bet we only had a bowl of cereal a handful of times. and trust me...it was like cornflakes or rice krispies. i didn't even know sugary cereal existed until i started spending the night off.  she would make grits, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, etc. always yummy! what a good woman.

i hope i'm like that for gabe. guess i should get on that...

our mailman came at like 7:50 last night. really?! rough day fella? who comes that late? he scared the mess outta me too.

i'm staying strong with letting my hair grow some. i finally got it trimmed up. i was hoping to get anne hathaways cut. i kinda did. but bad news, i don't look like her. boooooooooo. she is gorgeous!!

i had to buy a hair dryer!!!!!!!! i haven't had one of those in YEARS. wild.

still dont own a brush. love it.

i went to the dentist this week. i have the best dentist. tyler myers if you are in the market! he's FABULOUS. i love the girl that cleans my teeth too. (i know they have more official names but i cant spell hygienist?!) her name is Lori. she's so darn cute.

anyway, she asked if i was brushing twice a day and flossing. i said Lori, yes i brush twice a day but everyone who says they floss regularly is LYING. i cant lie. i dont floss. sometimes i will use those floss stick things...?! but like twice a month. i know, its bad. but aint nobody got time for that.

sometimes it still hurts my feelings that i have been asked TWICE if i was Gabes grandmother. just confessing.

ya know what i wish i could do all day? i'll tell you....

lay by the pool, eating trail mix, talking to friends, playing with gabe, learning about God. but only after i had a wonderful bfast of huge waffles with peanut butter on it and coffee. but of course with none of the calories counting.

i don't know what my deal is with trail mix. i just LOVE sweet and salty i guess. oh i could eat an entire bag from Sams. no lie... in one sitting.

what could you eat a TON of?  my mom can eat a dozen donuts and birthday cake like no other...


  1. There is a trail mix from Country Life that is THE best! I'm weird, though. I don't like chocolate in my trail mix. Don't get me wrong-- I love chocolate. Just not in my trail mix Maybe it's because it's always inferior chocolate that they add-- like fake m&m's.



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