100th post!

well who knew?! i pulled up my blog and realized this post will be #100. how fun.

i figured...the perfect way to celebrate would be 100 dumb/random thoughts from kaci. LAWD help. here we go!

100. cats truly are evil. and gross.
99. i can't help it that God didn't give me an ounce of love for animals. take that up with Him.
98. i do not write i's in a capital letter pretty much ever.
97. i do not edit or proofread my blogs, ever.
96. i am almost always chewing gum.
95. unless i'm in a skirt i sit indian style at meals.
94. i've always wanted to be a red head.
93. i can't believe i have to come up with 92 more thoughts.
92. i love getting hand-written notes.
91. my favorite candle scent is vanilla.
90. i can't wear perfume b/c it gives me a headache. (or smelly lotions, deoderants, etc.)
89. sometimes when i count backwards i skip numbers.
88. i count when i walk up steps.
87. every time i go to fresh market i sample the coffee and some type of food.
86. i like salt and butter on biscuits.
85. i like to eat raw green, red and orange peppers.
84. i wish i prayed more.
83. i don't like looking sideways (at myself) in a mirror. does that make sense?
82. we never had poptarts in our house growing up.
81. i love dunkin donuts coffee.
80. i could never eat another hot dog and be ok with that.
79. i like to use salsa as a dressing on salads.
78. i am HORRIBLE at small talk.
77. patience is not my top virtue.
76. i like diet dr pepper. don't tell me about aspartame.
75. my favorite book of the Bible is probably James.
74. one of my favorite things about God is His kindness.
73. i love fall, winter and spring. summer is mean.
72. Jesus Calling never gets old.
71. my mom has ridiculously bony shoulders.
70. my brother is one of the funniest guys i know.
69. claire is the most generous person i know, and caring.
68. my dad is one-of-a-kind.
67. gabe is probably my favorite human being.
66. jay is my husband. i dont know who jae is.
65. i don't like snow.
64. trail mix is my favorite snack.
63. coffee around jays parents bfast table is one of my favorite places to relax.
62. God gave me the most amazing family. dont be jealous.
61. i cut my fingernails very short.
60. i love to eat at country life.
59. once people graduate from high school, i never know how old they are. everyone is 20something to me.
58. i am almost 35. what?!
57. i love to fill out forms.
56. i cannot write in cursive.
55. i started running b/c i wanted legs like the guy i was dating.
54. my mom can eat a box of hot donuts at one sitting.
53. my mom made my brother go buy a bday cake before a hurricane hit once. it wasnt anyones bday.
52. i always wanted braces but didnt have them. thankfully!
51. uncommon athlete is the best fitness place i've ever been involved in. i love it.
50. LAWD i'm only on 50.
49. i dont have a favorite show.
48. sometimes i watch honey boo boo. i am so ashamed.
47. i don't like to wear sunglasses.
46. i'm not a good snuggler. i like my personal space. poor jay.
45. i am obnoxiously cheap. for real. its bad.
44. i am praying about a part-time job. anybody got any ideas? jay doesnt play with his band as often and we're starting to notice the lack of fundage. haha. i'm serious folks....help.
43. the people i get to work with are some of Gods greatest ideas. TA inc staff rocks.
42. i wish guys understood how their actions affect girls emotions. (effect/affect?! idk.)
41. i like to write with sharpies.
40. christmas makes my heart happy!!!! elf, the holiday, home alone (just the first one...) bring it.
39. i wish i was more like peyton baker. she is so fun.
38. i am beyond thankful for my health. even though i whine about weight gain.
37. i dont drink alcohol.
36. in fact i don't drink my calories. i'd rather eat them.
35. i have a font that you can purchase. it's really my handwriting.
34. peanut filled pretzels are so dang good. but even better when you dip them in pb too.
33. i love pumpkin bars with lots of cream cheese icing.
32. who am i kidding. i just love cream cheese icing.
31. i wouldnt mind putting my face under the donut glazer at krispy kreme.
30. i've never had an auntie anne's pretzel.
29. i've only ordered a cheeseburger in a restaurant once in my life.
28. i like the french fries at chickfila that have skin all on the back. so does madison :)
27. i used to get chickfila to squirt a little bit of coffee in my ice cream cup. YUM.
26. my favorite toy growing up was my big wheel...with a brake!
25. i hate pet stores and fabric stores.
24. i cannot sew on a button.
23. math is the devil.
22. i dont have an iphone.
21. i love kavu purses.
20. i hate raw broccoli. but steamed is delish.
19. i cannot draw.
18. i get nervous in small groups.
17. i am probably the MOST self-conscious person you'll ever meet.
16. i love getting my eyebrows waxed.
15. i have been in 10 weddings. maybe 11.
14. i think gabe is going to be tall. i know he's going to be handsome.
13. this is one boring post. sorry friends.
12. i need people to send me blog ideas.
11. i love jay.
10. i am so so so so so thankful for Jesus and what He did for me. (us.)
9. i eat bites of everyones food. seriously, if we eat a meal together, i want a bite.
8. i like to sweep.
7. i love to play board games but hardly ever do.
6. i respect my husband.
5. i hope God enjoys me.
4. i DESPISE talking on the phone.
3. i had some wonderful friends in my life growing up and i miss them being apart of my life.
2. Terry Kelley was one of the most amazing men i have ever known. (right along my dad, brother, husband!)
1. i would always rather be the passenger in a car.



  1. You can have all my CFA fries with the skin on the back. They are puffy and mushy and gross.

    I am absolutely certain that God delights in you.

    I would always rather be the passenger, too. I love that my kids are getting old enough to drive.

    This was so fun!

  2. #66 is my favorite
    #101 should be "i(kaci) am the funniest person most people who know me know!
    #7....I love playing games but live with 3 males who don't so...I think we should start a once a month Board Game group for MOB's (mothers of boys):)

  3. Post script to last comment...I am DENISE Johnson but I evidently do not have any of the accounts necessary to publish comments(i am offended!) so I am using my husband for his Google account. thank you david!

  4. this was hilarious. and awesome. and if i ever get to 100 posts, i will follow in your footsteps.


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