
well g is napping and jay is hunting so i thought i would blog. it's dangerous when i don't have a topic...

i cannot believe its already new years eve. seems weird to start 2014. i'm not really a goal setter in general so making a new years resolution seems extra pointless for me. 

i certainly have things i'd like to do. definitely changes i'd like to make. but i wouldn't call them resolutions.

hmm, let me think of what i might like to see happen in 2014...
- new curtains in our bedroom
- wear makeup and real clothes more often
- take more pictures
- stay in Gods Word more consistently
- pay more attention to people around me
- read more
- slow down
- see jays family more often
- hopefully a potty trained g. i'm scared. never had a penis, don't know how to train one. 

things i'm pumped about in 2014...
- meeting sweet Julianna Asher Dunlap!! 
- watching g grow up and being able to have real conversations with him. i cannot wait!!!
- being able to do "3 things i love about you" with g.
- jay turns 40. AHHHHH
- studying Luke with some fabulous godly women
- continuing "beast mode" at uncommon athlete. i love that place. 
- starting 2014 means i'm in a year with college football ahead of me. life is more fun w/ football.

hmm, g lately...
- one of my favorite things to hear him say is "tan takes" which means pancakes.
- i also love to hear him say "whaaaat?" like i do. too funny.
- he says turn left, turn right in the car. (along with everything else he sees or stop, go, truck, trees, gas, plane, train, light, tractor, bush, grass....haha he never stops!)
- he also dances in the car with me. i laugh uncontrollably. i know people think i'm insane. 
- he likes to take showers. is that weird?
- he LOVES his geo track trains. he wakes up talking about trains.
- he fake cries in his crib. we refuse to acknowledge it. which frustrates him. he sometimes grunts/screams in frustration which makes us laugh.
- he asks for raffi music 
- he sees people at church lift their hands when worshipping so he does it too. hilarious.
- he takes communion with me and then says "more more more" it's not snack time smalls...
- i was singing to him in the car on the way to jays family christmas. and he said "bye bye" haha. jays the talented one.
- he loves to play drums.
- his favorite foods are beige and carbs. awesome. biscuits, grits, pancakes, bananas, apples, yogurt, grilled cheese, mashed potatoes, dumplings, crackers...yeah bad i know. hoping he'll learn to like meat. right now he's a vegetarian ha
- he would stay outside and play ALL DAY if we let him
- he would also watch curious george all day if we let him. ok i do love to hear him say george. it kinda sounds like "torch" 
- i could go on...

i pray that i'll be a good mom to him. not perfect! but that i will be the mom God desires for me to be.

mom goals...
- to stop, sit with him and ask about his day when i get home from work.
- to continue to watch my tone and not raise my voice in anger. i work hard at this. i don't wanna be a mom that yells. i don't want anyone yelling at me. so i don't want to do that to him.
- to make him laugh every day
- to love jay well so g feels secure in us
- maybe learn how to wrestle. he gets sad when jay isnt home to wrestle after supper. i am not a good substitute!
- find fun ways for him to interact with other kids (since we're preschool dropouts!)
- continue to be quick to apologize when i mess up 
- to learn about things he loves. like trains, drums, and dirt. haha
- to live a life that makes him proud to call me mom.

he's such a precious gift. wonderful reminder of Gods faithfulness. i really do love being his mom. i know i fail at certain aspects of parenting but i appreciate Gods grace and Gs grace! :) 


  1. never had a penis, don't know how to train one.



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