lesley life

i really love Jesus. i am truly amazed by Him and His faithfulness. this week has been full of miracles in the life of the Robbins. i get weepy thinking about it all. simply precious.

if i tried to share all the details of their story, i'd fail. here's a link to their blog :)


gabe is the coolest kid ever. some of my favorite G things lately...
- he says "thank you, you're welcome" all together and i love it.
- he is enamored with christmas stuff just like me!
- he cracked us up the other night. jay put him down and he said "bye bye" which is normal. but then he kept talking and playing in his crib. so jay kept saying "go to sleep!" and gabe would reply "night night!" too.darn.funny.
- we went to visit the Robbins at the medical center. he must've said "ride" and "robot" 100 times. he thought the machine that checked keris vitals was a robot.
- mom got him some rockin' house shoes. their reindeer boots. he kinda looks like a teenage girl in ugg boots. i can't help but sing "apple bottom jeans, boots with the fuuuuurrr" every time i see them.
- most mornings this week he's talked about "poppy" thats my dad :)   my dad cooks for G every week. seriously, gabe LOVES my dads cooking.

i am still thinking about thanksgiving food. y'all. the sweet potato souffle that Jill Hester makes is UNREAL. i wanted to take the entire dish and run with it. it's that good.

John Dale Hester can fry a turkey. DELISH. oh man. so good.

ohhh but Helen Hester makes a MEAN carrot cake. oh LAWD.

claire made a zucchini tomato something dish. mmmmmmm tasted like something straight outta carrabbas.

i really don't remember much of what else i ate. but it was ALL awesome.

oh i even liked the collards. what?!

the sad part about thanksgiving is that i want to eat like that every day after. and thats just not possible, ha.

in running news. i try not to talk too much about exercise on FB anymore b/c i realize (seeing other peoples status updates) how annoying it is :) haha.

but my sweet friends are trying to convince me to run another marathon in march. (i think its march.) oh i just can't commit!

when i think back to my first one - i have such anxiety! ha. ooooh my. i wont relive the whole thing since i already blogged the whole story (feel free to go read that!)  but here's a few details...

- madison and i hardly spoke for the first 7 miles because we were in shock & horror at what we had gotten ourselves into!
- we just stood in the infantry museum before that race and wanted to cry. the people around us seemed excited, happy even...? that made no sense to me.
- i remember seeing the sweet people in ft benning cheering us on with their coffee mugs and i just wanted to stop running and go drink coffee with them.
- i remember hitting mile 13 and it being bittersweet. i was half way!!! but i was only half way!????
- i think i had a little snack around mile 18 or 20. but other than that i didnt eat during the 26.2. so my "coach" told me i've got to learn to eat while running. i'm planning to make that change IF i do this next one.
- i remember around mile 24 madison got kinda nauseous. i felt horrible but told her if i stopped with her i'd never finish so i kept going. sweet army guys were cheering me on towards the last half mile. they seemed so thrilled that i only had a half mile left. i wasnt thrilled....that seemed like 10 miles to me!
- when i reached the finish line i didn't even know what to do. i just stood there. i saw a friend and said "what do i do  now?" (i'm sure she thought i was an idiot!) her reply..."go grab a free beer!" oh dear me. i don't drink at all but a beer...oh it gives me chills even now to think about a beer the way i felt!

i did grab several bottles of water. jay used by bib to get a free breakfast burrito and some other snacks, ha!

my PRECIOUS family made a cute banner and cheered me on the last little bit. they stayed around and took pictures with me. it was sweet.

it was 4pm before i could sit comfortable. yes, 5 hours after finishing.

so why do i want to do that again?!  i dont.

i did KILL trail mix ALL that day. that was delish.

madison and i ran an easy 5 miles the next morning. and that tuesday i was back to my 10 milers. so recovery was quick.

although i did sleep in compression socks for several night. sexy!

so IF i do this next one...
- i promise to learn to eat on my long runs. no gels though. YUUUUCK.
- i will not do it without lots of prayerful consideration! :)

in happier running news...
madison is my best friend and running buddy. i am so very thankful for her. what a fun, delightful person to spend lots (and lots) of time with! :)  seriously - one of the best gifts God has ever put in my life!

God has also given me (and mads) another running buddy the past month or so. PRECIOUS meghan stewart. oh what a total blessing she is. here are some reasons why i love having HER in my life :)
- she is honest, genuine and completely REAL. love it.
- she runs faster than me so she challenges me (it hurts ha!)
- she loves the Lord and it is evident.
- our conversations (like mine and madisons) are centered around Christ.
- she challenges my faith
- she's married so we can talk about husband things. we are a lot alike and our husbands are a lot alike so that makes it fun. we only say good things about our spouses!
- she knows vasa :)
- she's a breath of fresh air for me and i know that God put her in my life at the perfect time. i am so so so thankful.
- she also has the BEST wardrobe. even running clothes.

my running clothes...oh my. i hardly ever match. i've had some of my running shorts since my freshman year in college 16 years ago. so they look awesome.

i refuse to pay for cute running/gym clothes SO i buy big sizes in the little girl section or just run in old stuff. :)

i really am a cheap human being. almost to a fault.
my haircuts cost $13
i wont pay more than $20 for shoes or a purse
i won't pay more than $2 for fingernail polish which why it prob chips
i pray for hand-me-downs and shop at thrift stores for clothes.
i dont get manicures or pedicures
my wedding ring/band is the only "real" jewelry i own.

embarrassing truths
- i try to keep my napkin clean at breakfast so i can use it again.
- i don't use any special makeup or lotions. just drug store brands. so dont waste your time trying to sell me anything pricey!
- i look around our house (often) for things we could sell on craigs list. we laugh that i own nothing...ha
- i pray for clothes to go on sale if i really want something new. (is that weird?) i mean i pray...and ask for Him to save my size.
- i have to REALLY want to see a movie to pay for it. i mean REALLY.
- i drink water in restaurants even though i really want tea.  
- i am NOT paying for starbucks coffee. are you serious?

i'm going to shut up so i don't embarrass myself!

i'm done for the day. enjoy this list of pointless info!


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