funny things about life

madison and i were laughing last week about our random pet peeves. i know i've blogged about some of mine before. but i really have some strange ones. i have a feeling i'm about to embarrass myself...

ok, we have 2 types of silverware in our house. one is this cheap stuff i bought from target when i moved out on my own. then we have our "nicer" stuff we got when we got married. i only like to use the cheap stuff! and i get irritated when jay uses "my" silverware. i need therapy.

saturday is "dont make the bed" day in our house. i despise it! i hate the bed not being made. but i try to let loose once a week. but i do straighten it out before i get in it. i cant help myself.

it drives me crazy when someone sits right in front of me at the movies. (unless its packed.) i want to prop my feet up.

when people don't return their carts at stores. really? don't leave that mess sitting in parking space.

ohhhh - when smart cars, motorcycles & other small vehicles trick me into thinking i've found a parking spot. (i know, i'm the fool here but ugh!)

toothpicks. gross.

when jay closes the shower doors "wrong." i like the inside door more towards the back of the shower. i've never told him that. i just go behind him every day.

when people come to a complete stop to make a turn. not necessary. (most of the time.)

the way gene chizik chews his gum.

grown people wearing sports jerseys. unless you are on the team...please, just don't.

sunglasses worn inside.

five fingers/vibrams or whatever those nasty things are called. hate 'em. EVEN more when people wear them when they A. aren't exercising or B. are wearing "real clothes."  why? why?

jay & i dont understand why restaurants ask if its our first time dining there. it's nice (i guess) that they ask but really...what does it matter? most of the time it's the seating hostess not the waiter that asks. strange.

starbucks doesn't make decaf after 12pm. that makes no sense. who wants decaf in the morning?

weak coffee. weak iced tea. get out my face.

when people leave those icicle christmas lights up all year. really? do you think b/c the strands are white we don't see them hanging? take that mess down.

trashcans left on the curb all the time. (jay gets annoyed at this one too!)

having receipts in my wallet. hate it.

not rinsing out the sink after pouring something in it. just rinse please :)

small to-go cups. do not give me a small to-go cup. i want more than 2 swigs please.


i'd love to hear y'alls pet peeves. i could go on for days...

happier things!!

i am already excited about christmas. i know. its ridiculous. but i'm ok with it. i've already started listening to christmas music on spotify. i will not decorate my house at least until thanksgiving week.

i love the holidays. i want to savor every second. i dont care much about halloween. no reason. i just dont care. i suck at creative costumes. i'm WAY too cheap to buy one. and i'm lame at parties.

jay doesn't have to be anywhere this weekend. i cannot believe it. we actually get significant family time. DO NOT call :)  haha. jk. i just love knowing we have the weekend to be a family. praise the Lord.

gabe is non-stop these days. he never slows down...except to sleep. if he's awake he is FULL-TIME. today he unrolled almost an entire roll of toilet paper. no worries, this cheap girl wadded it up and is using it. he will not lay still for a diaper change or to get dressed. it is wild. WILD.

his latest tricks (ha...i know he's not an animal.) are waving, kissing and almost walking!

he needs a haircut. he is on the verge of a mullet. how do you cut a 10 month old boys hair? help!


  1. I have a lot of the same pet peeves as you. Shannon never closes the shower door and it makes me nuts, but I don't say anything either. Had to wear my sunglasses inside on Friday due to having my eyes dilated (too bright in dept. store) and I wanted to wear a sign saying, "I think this looks stupid, but my eyes are dilated"!
    And last of all-let SJ cut his hair! She would love it!!
    Keep on blogging!!
    PS-loved seeing Gabe yesterday with your mom!

  2. I'm with you on most of these especially the shopping cart thing, the wearing of sports jerseys by adults, and cats. And people who cheer for a certain team but can't tell you anything about the school and have never been to a game. And yet somehow they're die hard fans.

  3. I always cut my boys hair while they were in the bathtub- I would pour a cup of water down over their head and then trim it a little at a time with safety scissors :). Aaron didn't go get a real haircut until he was two or three, because I was too cheap to pay to have his baby fine hair cut by somebody else!

  4. ahh love it! I am so with you on the vibrams.. they look so silly especially when the guy is wearing jeans and a polo or something. Seriously? I am not with you on the jersey thing because I love wearing my Braves jersey to games :) And Derik definitely has a few Falcons and soccer jerseys! haha we're lame!

    Going along with the small to-go cups. I hate how so many restaurants give you a tiny little Dixie cup-sized cup when you order water. I guess it's like their punishment for customers who aren't paying for a drink. But just because I want water, doesn't mean I only want 2 ounces of it - I'm thirsty fool!

  5. people who tap their brakes constantly
    people who put a cup in the sink instead of the dishwasher
    people who park infront of your mailbox bc they don't want to use their driveway
    people who send game requests on facebook


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