hello friday!

i have no idea what i'm about to blog about. thats always dangerous.

i told jay earlier this week that i want to find other pointless blogs (like mine) to read. i am weird. i'm NOT theological, analytical, etc. i just like dumb facts, simple information...i just like to know people. so i want to read blogs that tell me what folks do during the day, funny things that happen, etc. help me find some to follow :)

i can't help but laugh that i skipped my run yesterday so jay could sleep in. gabe typically wakes up around 7am. homeboy slept til 9am. aaaaahhhhhh, hahaha. sorry jay :)  we all got to sleep in. thanks Gabe!

gabe owed it to me though. i have completely lost a drawer in our bathroom b/c i can't keep gabe out of it. the kid LOVES it. i thought i got all of the fingernail polish out and up higher. apparently i missed one b/c i saw him turn the corner into our closet with it. then i smelled polish fumes...he had busted that mug open. it was all over the floor, his hands and eventually me. happy wednesday. haha.

what a fun start to my wednesday.

actually, uncommon was my fun start to wednesday. OH LAWD. dennis said this was recovery week. i'm not sure he understands what recovery means. we were all dying. it was hilarious. bench presses - i am so terrible with upper body stuff. i was dying just benching the 45 lb bar. thats embarrassing. we did that, then floor presses, dips, push ups, etc. i didnt realize how bad it hurt until i flipped open the cap on my toothpaste last night and pain shot through my chest. haha. thanks Dennis!

i love my mom. she's so great. she really is. i feel like people that don't know her are missing out. here's why...

-she's hilarious. she doesnt think she is but she can crack me up.
-she's faithful. to God, dad, our family, etc.
-she prays hard.
-she is the reason Gabe is smart. haha. she is constantly teaching him.
-she has more energy than any human.
-she doesn't dress like a nerd or old woman.
-she loves food. AND is a fabulous cook.
-she's honest.
-i can call her crying, laughing, bored...she's always there.
-she understands my annoyance with mouth noises.
-her faith is unwavering.
-i wouldn't know how to be a mom to gabe without her!

you know who else i love? Dee Dee Stephens. we started a staff girls growth group this year. it is one of the BEST things we've ever done (staff wise) in TAs. Dee Dee brings such wisdom, truth and peacefulness to our staff. i think she's amazing. she's walked with me through some of the hardest struggles of my life. i cannot tell you how much i appreciate her.

she BROUGHT the Word yesterday! it was such a fabulous lesson on worrying. in case you didn't know...we aren't supposed to worry. its a sin. Jesus said 3 times in one verse "Do Not Worry." preach.

she prayed with us and challenged us to stop worrying. i woke up this morning and before my feet hit the floor i was repeating that prayer and inviting God into my thoughts...giving him my cares...such amazing peace that brings.

we are leaving this week for our TA staff retreat. LAWD do i love the staff retreat. it is FULL of rest, good food (think snack shack!), encouragement, scripture, SUN, the BEACH, and laughter. last year we played catch phrase charades. i am STILL laughing at that game. "beaver carpet." hilarious. DB is awesome.

other fun staff retreat memories:
- donovan losing it and laughing for 45 mins in the van headed back from dinner.
- donovan taking benadryl NOT knowing it would make him sleepy. Hilarious.
- michael throwing a dead fish on aaron
- michael coming in late (always) and eating captain crunch LOUDLY during our meeting. saying "it's not called captain silence."
- crying for an entire session with leah.
- sarah jane's crazy whaling noise...ahhhhh haha
- teaching debbie to melt peanut butter on her brownie for breakfast
- running with jonathan pinney
- eating a HUGE piece of carrot cake at cocodries and NOT sharing a bite. it was 60 weight watcher points. 60.
- ladder ball
- aarons feet getting sunburned
- jp asking guys to put sunscreen on him
- fun, sweet conversations laying out
- the guys spending hours putting up a huge tent that we never used
- chas eating a TON of crab legs
- jp shaving his head. i think he shaved it?!
- the game "know your boo"

oh i know i'm forgetting a ton of memories.

i can't wait to head there and get refreshed, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

last year AND this year (YAYYYYY DERIK) we only have meetings after 5pm. PRAISE THE LORD. AMEN.

i love the beach. i love my job. combine the two = perfection. (well except leaving jay and gabe...i hate that part.)

i got a happy mothers day email from gabe's birth mom. it TOTALLY made my day!!!!! i sent her one first with lots of pictures and an update on all that Gabe has learned to do. still seeing her name pop up in my email inbox is like christmas!

i asked her if she wanted to start skyping with us! i hope she will. i know that may take time. but i want gabe to KNOW her. i tell him about her and read her emails, prayers to him but i want him to see her face, know her voice, etc. i'll be patient and hope it happens!

i'm ok with leaving her a skype video message :)  i figured that would be a good way to ease into it. pray with me for the right time!

ok. i'll stop rambling.

send me blogs to read!


  1. two Kristin-memories that you should have listed: when the van mysteriously ate my sunglasses (do you remember that?) and my dramatic reading of nicholas sparks...


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