i love may

i have been grumpy for about a week. i'm ashamed to admit it but it's true. i know that i am obnoxiously blessed with a great life, job, family, etc. but i have just been ILL.

i haven't been sleeping very well. that's probably got something to do with it. this girl loves sleep. honestly, most nights when i snuggle into bed i thank God for the idea of sleep. perfect idea He had.

between gabe's random wake ups and jays snoring my sleep is hardly ever sound. but i wouldn't trade those 2 for a good nights rest.

i have threatened for the past week or so to check into a hotel for a night. now that sounds gooooooood.

my job is one of my favorite parts of life. but last week caused a little anxiousness. oh LAWD. but i think it's resolved and i actually think i like the new plan better. yay.

jay knows something is wrong with me if i am quiet. he knows if i am talking 100 miles an hour that life is GOOD. monday night i hardly spoke. he knew i was stressed.

he says when i get stressed he feels like i am in a burning car and he can't help me. thats sad.

yesterday i wanted to just blog and complain. i was going to make a list of things that annoy me. and then a list of things that i appreciate. but i skipped it b/c my grumpy list was waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy longer. ha

i have gained 5 lbs. i'm trying not to care. just confessing.

gabe is awesome. he's in this super fun stage of life. he talks a lot, plays hard, walk/runs FAST, sings a lot, laughs constantly and surprises me at every turn. i love it.

this morning he and i said "thank you" back & forth at least 20 times. he's getting really good at singing doing the motions to if you're happy & you know it, wheels on the bus and head/shoulders/knees & toes. it's beyond cute.

he will FINALLY say mama. he said it the entire way to church sunday. i almost cried.

the kid will NOT perform. it's like he tries to make us look like fools, ha. he will not do something if you are trying to show someone how cute it is. like hey gabe, play harmonica for poppy. he just looks at it like he's never seen it. minutes later he will play for 10 mins straight. i guess he doesn't appreciate doing "tricks" :)

i went with him to my gym yesterday. oh my. that was cute. he would just laugh and laugh playing in the ball pit. he never stopped for an hour. he played with everything in there. he was good at basketball! his birth mom played basketball. guess that's where he got that talent :)

i've been trying to think of the best thing to send her for mothers day. i know i want gabe to color for her. we'll have to keep thinking of another gift. maybe just a new picture with details about what he's been up to.

we are going to see jays parents/family this weekend. i am looking forward to it. they make me laugh! i love being with them. i enjoy seeing jay with his parents. they all love each other so much, it's sweet.

a bonus of visiting jays parents: i sleep like i'm in a coma. i dont know why but i sleep HARD at their house.

here are some things i hope to do while we are there:  (take note family!)
- see everyone in the family
- eat at the original oyster house or tacky jacks
- shop at the outlets
- maybe a movie?
- definitely games with the family
- ride in the golf cart with gabe
- eat fresh tomatoes, cantaloupe, and fish
- hit the beach or pool
- sleep a lot

i'm sure i'll run most mornings and drink a lot of coffee :)

we do tend to eat a lot down there. so i'm going to try not to gain another 5 lbs. oh Lord help me.

last week at uncommon athlete we had to do 400 weighted squats. yes, 400. that was last wednesday. i didn't walk normal until sunday. that was evil! people were crackin' me up telling stories about how sore they were.

i really love to laugh. i love the funny things people say. people are really, really funny. i need a quote book like nick cash. then i can just read funny things when i am grumpy for 7 days straight.

oh, i hate my hair.

last thing. i must admit i have some fabulous friends. my precious niece Ava is about to start middle school. (eww, everyone go ahead and grunt/sigh thinking about middle school. ewwwww, just ewwwwwww.)

middle school girls are the worst. they can just be so mean!!! not ALL of them are awful obviously but some of them i'd like to give a good talkin' to...

anyway, i asked some of my friends to write ava some words of wisdom for moving into middle school. it has turned out to be one of the sweetest things i have ever read. i hope she'll keep it forever. it is turning into the cutest little colorful book of TRUTH. i pray she'll cling to those words along with His Word and sail through middle school unharmed by the enemy and his lies. amen?! amen!

sorry for yet another boring post. maybe i need some suggestions of blog topics...?!


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