today i am wearing my shirt with jays initials on it :)  its one of my favs.

i love jay. a lot.

i loved him before he loved me (in the loooove, romantic way)

i like the he looks kinda scary but he's really the nicest person you'll ever meet.

i like knowing he could kick some tail if he needed to. i have seen him attack someone. random story...it was the sunday before our wedding. we were driving to my parents house for supper and some guy on the side of the road was throwing rocks at cars. he hit the car in front of us and hit our windshield.

jay pulled over as did the car ahead of us. jay and the other guy chased down the rock thrower. the guy tried to climb a fence. jay pulled him down and held him in headlock until the police arrived. it was cool.

jay doesn't get mad easily. but he was pissed. i was mad but more mad that this idiot rock guy was making me late for supper. home girl gets ill when its time to eat.

back to jay...

i like that he does stupid things with his beard sometimes. i don't dig it when its bushy. right now he looks amish. but its funny. handlebar mustache is one of my favs. strange huh?!

i appreciate that he lets me be me...he doesn't complain about my love of christmas, he doesn't care if i wear makeup, he doesn't care if i'm in "real" or workout clothes, he doesn't care that i go to bed early and get up early to run (some days.) he likes my pixie cut. he laughs at my dumb jokes. he is ok that i pickup behind him b/c i have a place for EVERYTHING...for him any place works.

he takes care of everything car and outside of the house related. without complaint.

he takes time to talk to people. i'm SO bad at that. small talk intimidates me but jay stops and makes people feel important. i admire that in him. people probably think i'm a huge JERK. when really i just feel awkward.

he is thoughtful.

he is, hands down, the most amazing father to G. they already have some sweet traditions...
- mandays (monday) they spend the entire day together. it typically starts with a big breakfast at cracker barrel, then pawn shops, tractor supply co, any type of outdoorsy stuff...

- they wrestle every night after supper. G loves it. he looks forward to it. it is precious.

- they chase each other around the house and play hide-and-go-seek.

- jay has a certain whistle/yooohooo he does and G lights up!

- i know i've said it but i love and appreciate that jay reads scripture every night and prays for G every night.

- he isn't afraid to discipline G. there's no counting to 3 with jay. you obey the first time. i like that.

- G is absolutely confident in his fathers love. what a gift.

i'm confident in jays love too. what a gift.

last week, G skipped his wed nap. so by supper he was a tad...ok a LOT...whack. he was doing everything he knows he shouldn't. touching christmas trees, nutcrackers, playing with our little space heater, etc. jay went over to him and picked him up. he started like he always does asking G to look him in the eye. (i laugh bc G looks everywhere but straight into jays eyes...) jay talked to him about all the things he was doing that he knew he shouldn't. popped his hand to remind him. then said the sweetest thing...

he said, "now, what is it you need from us that you aren't getting right now?"  i almost cried.

G told him too! he wanted to wrestle :)  so they did.

jay also follows up EVERY discipline with an "i love you."

don't be fooled - brotha ain't perfect....
- we have to turn the news on at supper bc his mouth noises make me a non-christian.
- he seriously makes "quiet" foods sound like ROCKS. what's crunchy in mashed potatoes?!
- we just can't have cereal in the house. it's either sharp knives or cereal...we cannot have both. i will lose it.
- he will not hang up his pants at the end of the day. he even leaves the belt in them. i guess he needs to sleep on whether or not they are dirty.
- he can spend HOURS on craigslist. i dont even understand.....
- he looks great in color but would wear gray and brown every day i think if i let him.
- he jerks in his sleep. snores and farts.
- his alarm goes off for a long period of time at least twice before he turns it off. good grief.
- he still hasnt figured out the dishwasher door. he can open it...he just doesnt seem to realize it :)
- he chews coffee

let's love on him again...

he is definitely a covering for me and gabe. he's a praying husband.

he loves his family and mine.

he loves me very well. he's patient. honest. loving. kind. funny. consistent. godly. he's not afraid to share or talk about his emotions. i like that. he knows just how to make me laugh when i'm sad or upset.

he likes manly things. cars, hunting, trucks, tools, sports. i like that.

he encourages me in my faith. asks about my day and listens to the answer!

he is my favorite worship leader. i think he is gifted at what he does. he's not afraid to let others lead. i like to see his heart for God when he's singing. i see it at home in the way he treats gabe and myself but i get to see him love on God the same way. it's delightful.

if he wasn't a good man at home or in his every day life it would be hard for me to be lead by him in worship. but KNOWING jay makes his leading me to Christ make complete sense.

he's the best.

so i am proud to wear my button up shirt with "JBL" over my heart.


  1. You two are perfect! This made me laugh so hard. Especially the part about the news, and cereal and coffee. Mouth noises BA HA HA HA


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