
good grief.

jay was gone on a staff retreat last tues - thurs. so gman and i had some sweet alone time. sad part is that G wasn't feeling 100%. took him to the doctor on tuesday. they gave him $30 cough syrup (what?!) and said he would be fine. even checked his ears and said they looked good.

by friday he seemed better. still congested but seemingly happy. we had a wedding rehearsal that night but bc jay had been gone most of the week i skipped friday nights festivities and stayed with g. 

THANK THE LORD jay came home and skipped rehearsal dinner bc by 7pm g was NOT himself. crying uncontrollably (he hardly cries...) jay took him to our room and laid down with him. and he was not ok. his eyes were rolling back in his head, fever super high and we could tell he was in PAIN.

like fools we thought it was bc of an ulcer on his tongue. he kept pointing to it so we thought that was it. put oragel on it and hoped for the best.

no such luck. we were up all night. i cried almost the entire night. i was fighting a horrible sinus infection and gabe was in serious pain so we snotted and snuggled all night. neither one of us could breath so we laid there with our mouths hanging open. we were the picture of delight, trust me.

 i did figure out around 3am that his issue was most likely ear related not his tongue. 

by 8am i'd had enough. i woke jay up (he finally went to sleep around 2am.) and made him take G to an acute care place. i couldn't do it. i was a complete WRECK. all i did was cry.

so they left. jays phone was dead so i had no way of staying on contact. oh and no car either b/c jays starter went out (yeah $500...happy thanksgiving.) 

oh but thank the Lord my friend Nathan Carr was at the same acute care so he kept me posted! thanks friend.

while they were gone i raked the yard. b/c that makes sense...  i kinda wish i'd been on camera. i've never raked before. that job is for the birds. i hated it. hated it. i was talking to myself out loud. 

mmk, they arrived home and jay told me all about Gs RUPTURED ear drum and 103 fever, etc. so very sad.

that day all i did was cry. i felt like the whole thing was my fault. i felt like a horrible mom.

oh and while i cried and held g in his pain...he kept asking "why?"  really, heart torn into PIECES.

the acute care gave him a shot and said he may be better by evening.

ok then around 12 he went NUTS again. crying uncontrollably. i lost it. called acute care they said take him to the ER and call them when we arrived. so we did. 

i drove like an idiot.

we got there, signed in, did his weight/temp etc and went to the lobby to wait on a doctor and out of nowhere he was normal.

running over to see the fish in the fish tank, etc. what?! who are you? so jay went over and asked if we could leave and not have to pay. they said yes so we did :)  (griswolds...)

oh we also figured out we'd given him a paci (i know, breaking our own rules) and that had made his ear hurt worse. oops.

the rest of that day was kinda sad. i still felt HORRIBLE as a mom and physically. but i forced myself to buck up and go to Luke and Hannahs wedding which was GORGEOUS. i loved it. maybe i'll blog on that later...!

but it was outside and FREEZING (thanks pam cowart for letting me share your wrap on my legs!)

we left before the reception b/c our heart was at home :(

things seemed ok. then around 8:30 or 9 he went NUTS again. so we scooped him up and went back to the ER. they gave him motrin for pain. said tylenol (which we'd been giving wouldn't help with his pain.) so us griswolds ended up paying $250 anyway.

oh not to mention i had taken a tylenol pm hoping to sleep all night...so i was highly drugged at the ER. back combo!

in case you're wondering....motrin makes gabe WHACK! HILARIOUS. by the time we left the ER he was cracking everybody up. squirting hand sanitizer, saying hey and bye to everyone, singing christmas carols in the car...we were dying. 

got home, my sweet mom was there, he went straight in and PLAYED with everything. i went to bed. they stayed up til after 2am. my sweet sweet mom.

sunday was the twilight zone. jay went hunting that morning and g and i stayed around the house. i dont even know what else happened. jay came home with a sore throat, headache and feeling awful. i still felt horrible with sinus infection stuff.

sunday night was a repeat. g woke up maybe at 11 and cried/screamed. i went in and he was facing the wall crying. i couldnt get him to realize i was there which of course made me think he was DEAF. awesome. then he got down and walked around all disoriented. we were freaking out.

i was up with gabe til 3:30am. jay was up with us at least til 2. i remember that b/c g asked for grits. so we made them and he ate maybe 2 bites. so at 2am jay and i were sharing a bowl of grits thinking we'd been duped by this kid. he just didn't want to sleep!

so when homeboy jumped on his firetruck to ride around the house at 3:30am i chased him (in the dark with no glasses on) and snagged him up and put him in his crib. he cried. i shut all the doors i could between our room and his and went to BED.

he gave up after a while.

yesterday he went for his 2nd shot. then to lunch with us and he napped and was MUCH more himself last night. PRAISE THE LORD.

i went to the doctor finally. got a shot for my sinus infection and some drugs. again, thank the Lord.

few funny things...
- i cannot spit loogies (sp?!) but i did my first yesterday and CAUGHT it. i told my doctor (with pride!) his question was "what color was it?" wait, where was my congrats on a loogie?!
 - another fun fact. they normally have to use a kiddie cuff to check my blood pressure but thanks to Uncommon Athlete i now have guns so they used an adult cuff. yeet. it was 92/60. am i alive?!
- gabe ate like a rescued refugee yesterday. 
- so did i. but whatever.
- i have a bottle of childrens motrin if anybody wants it :)
- gabe still makes us laugh even when he's sick. he yelled "bye" after jay put him bed the other night. and last night he yelled "bye and night night" to me. love it.
- he took off one of his socks during his nap yesterday and when jay saw him he asked where his sock was and g responded "on my foot." :)
- he may have a crush on ellie mae (sp?!) have y'all watched her youtube video singing elvis?! OH MY. g smiles and hides his face when he watches.
- i plan on laying face in a pile of Jill Hesters sweet potato souffle thursday.

i'm sure i have forgotten MANY details. but happy rainy tuesday.  



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