let's laugh

i think that life is hilarious. granted there are things that suck and make life hard/sad...but so many things crack me up. let's talk about some....

i have already decorated for christmas. i LOVE christmas lights. but i am too embarrassed to hang my wreath on my front door. so i still have two scarecrow looking things on my porch...and it's christmas inside.

i figured out that cheerios jack my stomach up....badly. the reason this is funny is b/c if i eat them and then go running...it's not good hahaha. watch out!

i think it's funny that my dad sends emails that just say what he demands haha. nothing else. no hello, no i love you...just info. cracks me up every time.

gabe loves spicy things. that makes me laugh. salsa, peppers, etc. he's keeping to his latino roots :)

here's a funny thing....
i'll be 35 friday. that is entirely TOO close to 40 for my comfort. but here's the funny part...

i have pretty much every symptom of being PRE-MENOPAUSAL. yes, go ahead, enjoy that for a minute.

sleeplessness, weight gain (ok that could be my fault!), stiffness, a few i won't mention haha, and hot flashes.

jay is twice my size and has an extra blanket on his side of the bed....i'm in a tshirt sweating. good times!

let's laugh at that one more time... PRE-MENOPAUSAL.

oh this was funny, sunday morning gabe was playing jays keyboard upstairs. he hit a button that was gospel music and he threw his hand up and said "whew!"  how did he know that was funny?!

i'm a big UGA fan but they way they have been playing lately is hilarious.

me trying to keep up with friends that run fast is funny. i breathe like a 300lber. (no offense to 300lbers.)

i still laugh when i think about fazzoli's (sp?!) closing in columbus and putting "closed: thanks columbus" on their sign. haha sorry we didn't like your "italian" straight outta sams frozen section.

i think its funny that my dad says Italian and Hawaii weird. he says EYEtalian (LONG focus on the "I" part!) he also says ha-wa-ya. not ha-wa-ii.

my mom says fored. for forehead. so its sounds like for-ed. all fast. i can't describe it.

i think its funny to hear the different way people say diabetes too.

any story about poop wipes me out.

it's funny to watch jay change a poopy diaper. he tries not to breathe.

the show big bang theory - makes me laugh out loud.

now. let's move on to another thing on my mind besides getting older...

where, WHERE are the single, godly men in this town?!  i am taking applications for several of my college graduate, secure in themselves and jobs, mid 20's girl friends....

i feel like i keep having conversations with fabulous christian girls who cannot seem to meet anyone worth dating. so very sad.

i was 27 when i got married. so i understand the frustration of watching "everyone" seem to fall in love, etc. i KNOW that God has a plan and His ultimate desire for these girls is to love, trust, obey and grow in their faith. but let's be honest...sometimes it SUCKS and sometimes it's hard and lonely.

i can remember spending holidays with my family and then going home, alone. it was tough.

i can remember seeing my friends get engaged, being in their weddings, heck - watching them start families (which didnt make me jealous, ha!) and being ALONE.

i am thankful (looking back) at the time i spent single and doing whatever i wanted, hanging out with whoever, etc. but it had its sad moments.

i told a friend the other day that God very clearly told me when i was whining one thanksgiving about being lonely that i was the prodigal son that stayed home and that i was wasting an inheritance of a relationship with Him by looking at the people around me and desiring what they had.

so i encourage my sweet friends to keep their eyes on Jesus. and in the meantime...i'll be taking applications for GODLY men that may be interested.... :)

i'm serious...


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