
just thought i'd blog since i haven't in a while. no point. Lawd only knows...

i tried to watch downton abbey (sp?) last night for the second time. i can't do it. i have NO CLUE what they are saying. i'm out.

you may have read my status on fb yesterday but i saw katherine webb (AJ McCarrons girlfriend) at lunch. let's just go ahead and talk about how she has never had a hardees thick burger. that commercial is a lie.

she was thin. and beautiful. thankfully jay blocked her from my site. self.esteem.killer.

i can say that lately i have been really at peace with my body. i guess like every girl (most girls) i have bad days but i don't weigh myself, EVER. and i just eat healthy, workout and figure thats good enough. no extra pressure to stay a certain size. amen.

i am addicted to "the mindy project." i cant help myself. that show makes me laugh out loud.

i tried for a couple weeks, when it was stupid cold, to eat breakfast before working out. (so it wasnt so cold while i was outside) ugh...no can do. it makes me want to throw up.

i still don't sleep well. it sucks. i need to reschedule my pre-menopause testing. good grief.

last week though, i had some inner ear issues. so i took dramamine. oh my word...slept like a rock. wish i could take that every night!

jay makes me laugh. last week he had me laughing nonstop. i would wake up remembering funny things he'd said and start laughing. he's a hoot.

we are starting a new small group/community group, whatever you wanna call it, at our house on tuesday nights. we start tomorrow. i cannot wait. it's such a fun group of people and friends that will encourage our faith, our marriage, our life, etc. such a God thing. super excited.

we got this new machine at UA called jacobs ladder. its evil.

gabes new favorite phrases: turn right (constant in the car), counting everything. he tends to skip #4. not sure what his beef is with the #4. he asks for a "hug" when he really just wants to be held or pout. we make him hug us bc we know he's doesn't mean it!

yesterday he pitched a fit bc i wouldn't let him "washh gorge" (watch curious george) i took him upstairs to get distracted by his train set or something else. he was still mad. so i went back down. he stood at the railing and fake cried.

i kept saying "you can cry or you can play but playing is more fun." he didnt appreciate it. he fake cried louder and louder as he came down each step. he finally got the turn in the steps....looked around the corner and said "mom" and "cried" even louder. i laughed in his face. poor thing.

he finally got over it and started playing with every pot and lid in the kitchen.

when i left for church, i was so frazzled i wasn't sure if i had on a bra, matching shoes, etc. i just left.

i realized last night that i talk (out loud) to myself wayyyyyyyy too much. why do i do that?

this blog is dumb.


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