being awkward

i took one of those buzz feed quizzes today so see how awkward i am. i got "super" ha. i know this.

here are things that happen to me on a regular basis and/or are odd traits that make me super awkward:

- i am a NERD in small talk conversations. i mean, bad. i just ask the same how are you? repeatedly.  its pitiful.

- every dang time when the publix cashier tells me to come back...i say "you too." why can't i stop myself???

- at work and when i'm running around the park, after i have already said hello to someone and i pass them again...i don't know what to do. smile? wave? say something dumb like "you again!" good grief.

- i'm not really good at judging if someone wants a hug. and i'm NOT touchy (except with G!) so i sometimes i just lean in and out wondering if i'm supposed to hug them.

- i talk to myself out loud. all the time.

- i don't like animals at all. so when i go to someones house with animals i have to fake it and act like I'm not dying on the inside when their animal touches me.

- oh I'm AWFUL at math. so when i add a tip to a receipt i don't put the total.

- very often i see people and have no clue how i know them (forget knowing their name!) and i feel horrible. its bad when they are TAs. i feel so bad. especially when they say "she was my ocho leader 3 years in a row!" oh gosh.

- oh my. at Uncommon Athlete the music is typically turned up so conversations can be tough.

there's NO TELLING how many times i've smiled and fake laughed bc i have no clue what the person just said. they've probably told me sad things and i've smiled. like "my dog died this morning." my and stupid nod.

oh hahaha more UA... sometimes i don't know what the stretches are. but i KNOW i should. so i just make it up...and people follow. hahahaha.

- ohhhhh gosh. here's more. i am a runner. i love it. i've been running since 2002. but i know NOTHING about running. i don't talk in runner terms.  so when people ask me what my "PR" is...i don't have an answer. or average pace? uhhh?  oh and don't even get me started on shoe shopping. "do you pronate? whats your foot strike? do you like minimalist? do you like a zero drop or four drop?

uhh, i don't know...uhhh...

seriously, sometimes i don't even know what shoe i'm wearing. brooks? nike? hahaha. WHAT?

i just need shoes that fit. amen. i don't know your other crazy terms.

- if i am eating a meal with you (whether i know you well or hardly at all) i desperately want a bite of your food.

- i cannot give directions. at all. i drive on the same roads almost all the time and don't know the names of them.

- i get super nervous when people ride with me b/c i think they are thinking "why is she going this way?" the entire time.

- i'm not really good at ending conversations...

- i don't know movie quotes. so i'm a train wreck when people talk in quotes.

- i laugh when people fall. before checking to see if they are alright.

- i don't know how to politely correct people when they either call me the wrong name or completely say a word the wrong way. so i just go with it and try not to laugh.

people introduce me as "lesley" often.

- oh gosh. never fails. i'll be talking LOUDLY during previews at the movies and it'll cut off...there i am yelling like a fool

- i don't like holding other peoples kids, babies or animals.

- crossing guards STRESS ME OUT

- i run in the mornings almost always but it never fails...if i run in the afternoon i say "good morning" to everyone.

- i often get caught with too big of a bite in my mouth, something hanging out of my mouth or something stupid happening if i'm out with someone i hardly know.

- everything about getting a pedicure is awkward to me. i don't do it.

- don't tell me your child/babies age in months. i don't know what you're saying.

- i'm AWFUL at "smart people" games. trivial pursuit - don't even ask. anything with a strategy basically means i'm OUT.

i'm also bad at games with teams...
 - odds are i'mma get picked last.
 - i get SO nervous. even playing silly things like kickball. i'm so clumsy and lame.
 - i don't like letting people down
 - i also don't like things flying at my face.

if i see a roach - i go straight ninja.

talking on the phone is awkward for me. reasons why:
- you have to start out with small talk. we all know i suck at that.
- most of the time me and whoever end up talking over each other the whole time. i hate it.
- again, i don't know how to end it.

best phone call ender EVER...Lee McBride. he just hangs up!

i KNOW i can add pages to this list. i'll pay attention to my life and kept ya updated :)


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