few more questions from Tori

i've still got more questions from my niece so i thought i'd knock some out today. here we go!

worst movie i ever saw? wow. hmm. rambo maybe? it was awful. i'm not one of those anti-violence people. but that movie was RIDICULOUS. body parts flying off...no story line...good grief.  i also think movies like "the day after tomorrow" are dumb.

what was my first car? did i pick it out? was it a hand-me-down?
my dad is norman dunlap. so YES it was a hand-me-down! ha. it was a white nissan sentra. (i think) and i drove that joker into the ground. i wore it out like i did my big wheel when i was a kid! that poor car rattled and shook when i finally got rid of it. good times in that car though, good times!

after it...wow. i had a trooper (which was almost flipped on numerous occasions), a honda accord (the old school kind w the automatic seat belt...i was cool), maybe an altima?, a malibu (sweet norm got me that and it was new), a maxima, a camry, another maxima, red 4-door jeep, a honda accord again and now a honda CRV. i think thats all....

the last thing that made me cry - was a post i read on fb to moms of adopted children. i wept!

first kiss. how embarrassing. i was 15. i was soooooooo nervous. i was dating a guy a couple years older than me. he's on fb so i won't give too many details. :)  but he had been trying ish to kiss me and finally said "are you gonna kiss me or what?" yep, romantic.

describe myself in 5 words: ugh, wow.
- committed/determined. i try to stick with things and be a woman of my word. i stick with things when its hard like running, UA, etc.
- low drama. i try not to get into gossip, or make things a big deal. i dont like drama.
- organized...borderline ocd :)  i like things in their place!
- open. lawd, i'll tell anybody anything they wanna know. almost to fault.
- self-conscious. i hate this about myself.

mini bucket list - 5 things.
- i would like to go to Israel
- see Gabe and his birth mom meet.
- have a condo on the beach
- finally defeat negative thinking/self talk
- learn to be a good swimmer. i doggie paddle.

favorite recipe? oh goodness. i dont cook well enough to have one...
- but i LOVE my dads grilled chicken and dressing.
- my moms calypso pie. (crushed oreos in melted butter, coffee ice cream, chocolate sauce (homemade), and cool whip...frozen thick layers of each.) she also makes delish pumpkin bars, broccoli casserole and sour cream/cream cheese mashed potatoes.
- claire's homemade carrot cake
- josh's homemade guacamole and salsa
- my grandmothers homemade biscuits
- claires sisters sweet potato souffle. mmmmm.
- jays moms cheese ball
i could go on.

the last few questions on my list i'll have to think about. about time to send more Tori :)

other lesley news:
- G is basically potty training himself. he just tells us when he has to go. he's boss.
- jay got a motorcycle (again) a couple weeks ago. it is bad-A i cant lie.
- i despise small groups. but we started one a couple months ago and i LOOOOOOOOOVE IT.
- we are going to the BEACH for a week at the end of the month. amen.
- 150 days til college football kickoff!
- sometimes i get sad that christmas is so far away. i love it. i love christmas lights and music. and movies.
- i just learned to use whatsapp and it is too fun.
- i just learned about Midtown cakes. if you havent been..............GO. dear Lord, amazing.
- aaron and abby are about to have their sweet baby girl and i am thrilled for them.
- i have a fun office. i wish everyone could work in a godly, fun place like this.
- i am reading a fabulous book that the Dumlars gave me. its called "leading on empty." so.so.good.
- i am almost always chewing gum.
- i wish i was inspired to wear real clothes and makeup everyday. the world would certainly appreciate it.
- sometimes i miss having hair.
- wasabi is delish.
- our neighbors are moving. i'm sad. they are fun and g loves their little girl. praying for good new ones!
- riding a bike is much more fun, relaxing and enjoyable than running.
- God has put some pretty darn amazing friends in my life and i am thankful.
- my cousin Lori is one of my closest friends and we dont live in the same town. we just text and email. but she knows my struggles and my joys.
- madison can make me laugh quicker than anyone. we text every day without fail. she's also an amazing baker if you ever need some sweets :)
- i not only love jay lesley. i really like him. he's thoughtful, he's a very hands on dad, he prays for me, he truly loves me no matter what, he makes me laugh, he gets on my nerves, he cares about me and people in general, he's tough yet gentle, he obeys the Lord, and he's manly. he's also bigger than me. i couldn't be married to a small guy. i'd have even bigger issues.

i need brandon jones to blog again asap.


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