one of those days

gosh, yesterday was one of those days. i was so.very.sad. no reason. just sad. ugh it was hard.

everything i did felt like it took every ounce of my energy. not just physical things. conversations, pretending to be happy when really i just wanted to crawl in a hole, etc. not fun.

jay always knows when i'm sad. not b/c i cry. i typically don't cry. but b/c i'm quiet. i talk a lot. :) so jay knows if i don't have any words....somethings wrong.

he's so patient with me though. he allows me to have feelings :) he does his best to encourage me but also knows its ok to just leave me alone. he's so cool.

i was sad and grumpy.  i must confess i was not looking forward to our small group. but i KNEW it was going to be just what i needed. thats how God works with me sometimes. the one thing i dread the most and want to run away from...He uses to bring me joy.

last night was perfect. we laughed wayyyyyy too much. i loved every minute.

we still talked through our chapter of the book we're reading together. but in between we said dumb things, ate bad chocolate (homeless guys foot...yes that was lukes description of how bad one tasted) and laughed. a lot.

i love to laugh.

i love to be able to be myself with a group of friends. our group is amazing. we don't expect anything out of each other except for realness. (is that a word?)  we are REAL. whether that means silly, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, etc.  perfect.

i am beyond grateful for this amazing group God put together. thanks B.A.S.I.C. for being Christ to me.

now for some pointless info:
- i fail every time i use my "tan wipes." i pay close attention and still have streaks. whatever.

- monday morning i told G he had a big ol badonkadonk with his wet diaper. he said what? so i repeated myself. then i asked him to say badonkadonk. he did and lifted my shirt and look at my butt. awesome.

- jay drove G around the backyard on his motorcycle last night. it sounded like 6 flags back there. too cute.

- we are hoping to go to the Alabama spring game. i love football.

- we still need a table for our patio. anybody got one? :)  we have chairs!

- i have to have blood work done today for my post menopausal & thyroid issues. i hate needles.

did i tell y'all about the time i gave blood and almost passed out? i think i did. oh well here it is again. i got lightheaded after giving blood (or maybe platelets idk) either way they leaned me back in the chair and told me to drink some grape juice. i yelled "NO! i cant drink that. it has too many points! (weight watchers) i wont be able to eat supper!"  yes. that happened.

when i left the house this morning my mom and G had made a fort with the ironing board, coffee table, blankets and pillows. they were both under there. i couldn't see them but we were still chatting. my mom is the coolest grandma EVER. (she goes by mimi.) she has more energy than me.

G peed in the shower last night and was super proud of himself.

G asked for "nana" again this morning. that's what the grandkids call jays mom. i'mma share about his great parents...

nana - is sassy and fun. i used to be nervous around her until i figured out she's just playful and we laugh more when i go back at her :) so i do. and its awesome.

i remember when i first met her. we went shopping one day in her convertible. i was sweating profusely. she wasnt sweating one bit! i was trying to fake like i wasn't hot. anyway, we had a blast together. except i said something really dumb. i'd never seen a love bug before. so i said "look! those two bugs are stuck together!" awesome. hi, my name is idiot and i like your son.

she's super fun though. once she figured out i dont eat fried things we clicked haha. i think i am the first person she's ever known that didnt eat fried things.

she taught me to eat sweet potatoes and cantaloupe!

i know she will teach G how to enjoy life. she'll definitely show him the joys of having candy in the pantry! how to shop and find great deals, how to make jays favorite salmon patties and tuna salad, maybe how to sew, decorate (i'm awful at both!), how to make people laugh and feel welcome. and without saying a word she will teach him how to be a faithful wife and mother as well as a faithful prayer warrior for family.

granddaddy - is jays dad. never have i met a sweeter, more gentle man. he is PRECIOUS. the first thing you'll notice when meeting Joe is his smile. when he smiles you feel like you're being hugged! so darn cute. he is a lot like Jesus. very calm, very friendly, not at all judgmental, he is loving, he cares, he accepts, he is everything you would want in a dad, grandfather, father-in-law, etc. i mean that.

i am so thankful G has Joe and Janice as grandparents.

i know that Joe will teach G about football, music, Jesus, cooking, and fun things like hunting. but i also know that without saying a word he will show G how to love his wife and kids, how to make other people feel comfortable and safe, how to enjoy the small things in life and understand Gods love.

i love my in-laws.

happy wed!


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