pointless blogs are more fun

since my post earlier this week was rather depressing, i thought i'd write one of my pointless random blogs to lighten the mood.

1. somebody in ft benning has got to be injured. bombs.not.stop. this morning. i kinda like it. is that weird? it makes me feel cool that we have that close to our town.

2. i had a "runners moment" this morning. went flying into one of the bathrooms at lake bottom. someone was definitely asleep in the last stall. i felt bad...for turning on the lights AND umm....waking them with my "moment." i did turn the light off so hopefully they went right on back to sleep.

3. gabe loves to dance. it's my new favorite thing. anytime he hears music he says "dance" which sounds a lot like "grits." so we do. he tries to imitate what i'm (or jay) is doing. awesome.

4. i like old people. but not on wednesdays at publix. move your cart, move faster, don't glare at me when i try to squeeze by. there's another porch to sweep in heaven. i'm awful.

5. a guy that works at miles to go came into uncommon athlete the other. he smelled like french fries (right kristina?!) it made us all hungry.

6. my moms stomach was growling yesterday and g said "did you hear it?" that makes me giggle.

7. he sang jingle bells in the shower the other night. loudly. he even said the "hey!" part. so when he got out i told him we heard him singing it and jay & i burst into song. he had a cute smile like..."oh y'all heard that?!" jay finished it up opera style. g looked worried.

8. gabe is in LOVE with snickerdoodle muffins. (did i spell that right?)

9. our tuesday night small group has GOT to be the most real, honest group ever. i love it. really. i wish everyone could experience community like that. its refreshing.

10. i look forward to having conversations with gabe. (like legit ones.)

11. jay really is my favorite human being. i guess thats how it should be. i am beyond thankful that we don't fight. we dont. sometimes i hear couples talk about fighting and i cant grasp it. i mean i get frustrated. but i don't get mad...and when i do i get over so fast. i love him too much to be mean. (unless he's eating something loudly...then i'm adding porches in heaven.)

12. i wore my new size jeans yesterday. felt good to breathe easy and not have "back fat" hahaha. i also didn't exercise b/c i was so pissed at the devil. it was an extra kick in his face! take that JERK.

13. at least once a week i dream that i have long hair again.

14. i miss lee mcbride being in my life.

15. been reading through questions this week that freshmen have asked our TAs on getting along with parents. whew, scares me to death about parenting. (well it WOULD if i didn't trust Jesus.) wow, kids go through a lot.

(side note: love on your teens. i know they are difficult. i know they push you away. but i spend time with them and hear their struggles. its is intense. this crappy world is tough. they face so many choices, pressures, and confusing things. when they leave my house i always want to wrap my arms around them and protect them.)

hear are some ways i suggest for you to love on your teenager (that may seem less awkward.)
- leave them a note by their bed.
- don't ask how their day was. (you'll get "fine") i almost always ask my girls to share 2 good things going on in their lives, 1 great thing and 1 bad thing. but you've gotta share too!
- check them out of school one day and go to lunch. why not?
- surprise them with their favorite things every now and then. their favorite meal after a long day, let them eat ice cream for breakfast (and do it with them.)
- tell them on a regular basis things you appreciate about them. even if you have to dig/reach for something!!
- pray for them and with them
- i know i shared this before but my dad and i went on "dates" every tuesday night my senior year. what a gift. his peacefulness was a resting place for me.

i'm doing a devotional type thing called "undivided mom." i TOTALLY recommend it. anyway, its asking me to make a mission statement for myself as a mom. i wrote one yesterday. it needs A LOT of help. but i'll share mine once i get it right :)

i'mma end with a dumb list of kaci-isms:
- i have to be on my stomach w my head turned to the right to fall asleep.
- i cannot stand to have unread emails in my inbox.
- i shower in a certain or and put lotion on in the same order.
- i think fingernails and toenails are weird.
- sometimes i feel like most of my job is asking busy students to be somewhere or do something. ha its exhausting.
- i took a quiz on fb that said i should be a designer. umm, no i shouldn't. i cannot decorate/design.
- i really love checking things off a to do list. love it.
- being busy at work is my favorite. down time stresses me out. thats backwards!
- i could eat a box of cereal in one sitting. yes, i could. especially honey bunches of oats. lawd.
- i love it when people ask me questions. not theological ones...but personal questions. is that weird?
- i would consider having my makeup tattooed on so that i could look better without having to do all that work every day. i even hate washing it off. (hello lazy kaci!)

obviously, i need blog topics. send me some! happy thursday.

ps - ft benning is STILL going at it and i think they are headed towards me. skadoosh.


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