Orphan Sunday
This Sunday, November 8 is Orphan Sunday . Can I just be honest and say that until 2010 hearing about Orphan Sunday wouldn’t have stirred so much emotion in my heart. Sure, I would have taken a moment in church (if it was even mentioned) to think about children growing up without parents and maybe I would’ve even given some money towards an orphanage…. But it would not have meant what it means to me now. I remember like it was yesterday when I first heard about Vasa. Josh took me to lunch downtown and told me he & Claire felt called to adopt and were in the process of adopting a little boy from Russia. I was floored! They already had three beautiful girls who I adored but hearing about an orphan completely hit me in a new way. I was just as excited to hear about Vasa as I was when they announced each one of Claire’s pregnancies. I was enamored by the adoption process and couldn’t wait to see every picture, follow every step of the journ...