
I wasn’t going to blog today but I’m hoping it’ll entertain me so I’ll stop eating. Ever have those days where you just can’t seem to get full? I’m having one for sure. I even ate the leftover communion bread at church. That may be sacrilegious. Don’t tell keefee.

Are you sick of hearing about vasa yet? I’ll keep it short today. He was fist-bumping people left & right at church. Awesome. He gave me another kiss on the cheek. and attempted to say buddy.

The girls were as beautiful as ever. They had on the cutest dresses. Claire always has their hair looking super cute. My poor kids don’t stand a chance. Notice my hair? I’m proud of josh & Claire. I know they MUST be exhausted. Can you imagine? It’s like they have a walking newborn! They hardly speak his language yet he can walk/run. Ahh! Pray for them!

Blogging is kinda like a confessional or something for me. I can’t help myself! i seem to admit everything on here…

This time I’m going to confess my “fear” of most holidays. Hahahaha. Christmas & thanksgiving don’t bother me at all. But all the others especially July 4th, new years eve & Valentines Day…stress me OUT. Here’s why:

- I always feel like I should have really cool plans. Like a fabulous party to attend or friends coming over. So it’s kinda like not getting asked to prom or something to not have anything on the calendar.

- sometimes I DO have plans or at least options, but I feel too intimidated to go. I’m lame. I have some friends that are always SO sweet to invite me to their functions. But the girls all seem so “together & perfect.” Honestly, I go and feel like marla (I think was her name) from the movie “a league of their own.”

- in fact i just wrote a thank you note to some friends who had us over. i confessed to them that dumb things tend to happen to me at parties. i freeze up! i cant think of things to talk about, i stumble over my words, spill something, get gas...something stupid happens. 

- most holidays, jay is booked somewhere with his band. Which means if I do go to these parties I’m going alone. That’s why I got married! So I wouldn’t have to do these things solo anymore! Ok, that’s not the only reason I got married. But it’s supposed to be a perk, right?!

- oh another thing, I like to go to bed around 10pm. Yep, 10. I have no shame. I love sleep. When I was a kid I used to ask if it was bedtime yet. (heck, I still ask that.) so the concept of leaving my house, to START a party or a night out, after 9 makes no sense to me.

In my defense, I get up and run pretty early. So I need my sleep.

I know you’re thinking…well go watch jay play. Right…. If I can’t handle a party with church friends you can know I dork out at concerts. I went to flip flops once & felt like a cougar. I stick out like a sore thumb in bars. (not that I mind too much) I am definitely jittery, wide-eyed and clumsy. I don’t typically dress right for the occasion either. I look homely.

When I struggled with food issues (I’m MUCH better) I’d skip parties so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat fatty/sugary foods. I have to say I’ve started trusting myself more so that doesn’t keep me away as much. But whew, for years it did. That’s so sad/embarrassing to admit.

- I’ve always thought new years eve was overrated. I think I’ve slept through the start of the new year for the past 5 years.  I’m fine with that.

I think I only like Christmas & thanksgiving the more I think about it.

I certainly don’t like valentines day. Gross. I really hate when people call it “valentiMes days.” Where do they get the M from??????

I don’t like Halloween either. It’s another one of those times when I feel like I’m supposed to have something cool to do AND have the funniest/most creative costume. OH LORD. More stress. No thanks!

But I relish in thanksgiving & Christmas. I love love love that time of year. So invite me to all the parties you want! For some reason they don’t stress me out. I guess b/c I WANT to celebrate these holidays. And I don’t have to wear a bathing suit, costume or act all cheesy in love to come to your party.

While I’m complaining (haha) I might as well go ahead and admit I really don’t like the month of February. I’m convinced God doesn’t really like it either since its short. It’s like Dothan, AL. it’s just a means to an end. We can’t get to spring without february and we can’t get to the beach without Dothan.

Other things I wish we didn’t have to deal with:
Humidity. I don’t want a scientific answer. I just wonder why we have that junk. Awful.
Roaches. G.R.O.S.S.
Shaving. Why did God even give women leg/arm pit hair?
Cankles. Why? In the summer, my feet swell. I look pregnant. I hate it. Jay makes fun of me.

This blog sounds grumpy. I promise I’m in a good mood. Especially since it’s almost time to eat again. 

I know I still need to blog  my snow skiing story. It might be next.


  1. " It’s like Dothan, AL. it’s just a means to an end. We can’t get to spring without february and we can’t get to the beach without Dothan."

    You're a genius!!


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